Jun 12 (edited) in 💬 General
Classes are available (Read slowly and carefully)
Gooooood Morning, I say this after only 3 hours sleep but right now I'm not in high performance mode, I'm in grind mode, there two different things, I'm not in the arena to perform, it means I'm trying to get the most done in 24 hours and not trading or performing tasks where insufficient sleep would wreck the performance of that task. I don't need a great sleep for content creation. You have to be pretty adaptive, I've learnt over my career that you cant have it all.
Anyways, 2 classes have become available. I really don't care what level you are at in your journey of life, you can be rich or you can be poor, you can be funded or you can be stranded, you can be someone that is consistent in great habits or someone who is not, I still respect you a dozen because it's not your fault, but it will be your fault if you choose to stay down. My tasks will still make you 10 x better in every area of life GURANTEED regardless of where you are. Because its not my own ability, its God given ability.
That means I ask you kindly to keep an open mind and heart and witness something epic happen in front of your eyes. If your in this community, your blessed, if you saw the opportunity but are not here, maybe its not the right place for the person, maybe God has sealed the persons heart so they can see but not with their heart. I don't know but what I do know is;
I have made 2 classes available so please head over the to the 'Classrooms' tab. Listen very carefully if you want to make the best out of this opportunity that will change the direction of your future. If you are someone that experiences any stress, any negativity, any doubt, any anxiousness, any worrisome thoughts such as 'What if it don't all work out?', 'What if I'm dreaming and my parent's are right? What if I stay broke? What if I'm just meant to live an average life?, 'What if I don't find my dream spouse?' 'What if I cant pay the bills'? 'What if thoughts.....If you struggle to get out of bed or lack energy, anything of that kind then please make sure you go through the first classroom and do exactly as is said in the video. Nothing else. Literally just the first classroom and update us as you go along when you have special moments, you will know when its a special moment, something will happen in your inner world, or your outer world.
Do no be ignorant and think you don't need to do something. This group is not for the ignorant who think they know it all or think 'Ah I can skip this, my mindset isn't too bad', because you'll be surprised what you learn about yourself in here lol.
Some have failed to even introduce themselves yet, you'll be surprised how many say they want to succeed in life bit actually take action. Anyways the most active in the group unlock content before others do, its the way the Skool platform leadership board is setup. And I will help the most active members as best as I can to the point that every short while, 1 person will win a free month membership in the Premium Community where things are just out of this world in terms of value.
Furthermore, please every single person must go through the second Classroom. Again watch it as many times as you need to. Follow the instruction's. Do not skip a second. There is a reason for the the specific steps and orders we take the steps in. Because God revealed change to me in this specific order, it worked for hundreds in the discord in this specific order, the experimentation is over.
If you have any questions regarding the tasks, ask yourself, if your over complicating it because its so simple that you just have to follow a clear guide as explained in the classroom. But feel free to DM me.
Go vote in the pinned message for when you would like the zoom calls!!
Look forward to helping you grow.
Younis Ward
Classes are available (Read slowly and carefully)
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