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Notes from G&R Premium Faith call (Purification of the heart)
Minutes from Zoom 9 - First Faith Call Thanks to @Amir Kamel for the beautiful note taking. May God increase our knowledge!! - Coming back to God starts with repentance - The sins you have committed consciously and unconsciously in the past can still be at play on your heart until you seek forgiveness - If you want to develop faith you have to first apologize for all the sins you committed You have to repent to God to succeed. He wants you to repent and seek forgiveness. He is the most merciful, most compassionate for a reason. Everyone may turn their backs on you but God is always available if you seek Him yet you choose to turn your back on Him? If you walk towards Him, He promises to run towards you. - Discussed what to say in Arabic or English > ‘Please forgive me for my sins’, ‘Oh God you are the most forgiving, you love forgiveness, so please forgive me’ Keep saying that all day, 100s of times a day, you’re going to see your life change. You’re going to get richer in every type of way – do it because he deserves it not just to get something back in return. - You won’t get anything you want till you seek forgiveness - When you make dua, it can change the destiny of your year - You have to reflect, don’t just finish with this zoom and then jump onto the next, sit down and reflect, how was your listening during the zoom, was your mind wandering? - Sitting here and just watching this zoom is worth a million bucks, we are so lucky, it’s such a blessing, Allah has really given me everything but I’m just neglecting him - If you consistently sit down in a serious manner and reflect on your actions God will change your state, of darkness to light and sadness to joy - Do not think you are going to do any action without God holding you to account for it, any action you do you will be asked about it That’s why it’s very important to live a mindful, conscious life, as you start to begin to really question what are we doing, what are we about to do, is this for the sake of God, is this pleasing to him?
New comment Jun 25
Notes from G&R Premium Faith call (Purification of the heart)
Notes from trading reminder call
thanks @Amir Kamel for the note taking. Anything you spend a lot of time doing, invest in that thing, for example you sleep a lot, get something close to Canada Goose pillows The job you’re in is allowing you to progress in trading, it’s allowing you to pay for this community, that’s how you fall in love with your job by looking at what its allowing you to do Its allowing you to get a haircut whenever you need a haircut, to pay for trading view every month, its allowing you to save up for a challenge when you’re ready for it That’s how you like your job, you see it as what its allowing you to do but, you have to allow your job to allow you to do what you need to do What does that mean? if you’re at your job and on the weekends, you’re spending your money on bullshit and takeaways and going out and not on self-development then you will keep going back to the job the same person But if every week you see you are becoming a better trader, you are looking better, your skin is looking better, you’re spending it on good products, a good haircut, good clothes, or a holy book, you’re buying a holy book with your work money, you’re buying your mum flowers, you’re surprising your best friends Then you’ll go back to your job the following Monday knowing you look good, you smell good, you feel good, you make others happy, you don’t borrow money, you’re becoming a better trader, because you’re in Skool learning about it, you’re getting closer to Allah, you’ve bought a prayer mat that you love, you bought some nice Oud, you’re smelling like a Muslim, you smell good – your job is allowing you to do that. Because you’re using the work money for good things, then you’re looking at your job in a good way. If you don’t use it for these good things, then you’ll think that its making things worse, but you’re making things worse by how you choose to spend the money. People hate their job because they know they’re going to be there forever, your happy and they don’t understand because they don’t know how you’ve been spending your cheque and what it’s done for you
Full Moon call 21/06 🌕
Yesterday’s full moon call was a beautiful way to end the working week. I took myself out into nature to enjoy this call, here are some notes & 💎 —Don’t limit yourself to losses per session because setups can occur after two losses. Use your strategy and understanding of yourself and when you go on tilt to create rules that align with the process. —When you’re in a challenge, and you make a mistake that’s very costly. What your mind now knows is that tomorrow you could come to the charts, do all the right things, stick to your rules and still not be in profit after a good win because of the bigger loss than necessary the day before. This leads to tilt because your mind is chasing break even or a green day as it knows it will take multiple wins to bring the account back to where it was before the impulsive large mistake causing a bigger or more losses than planned. —When a trade setup occurs, and starts to play out flawlessly from entry. But you’re not in the trade. It wasn’t emotions being the reason your not in the trade. Because two days ago, it did the same, and ended up a loss. This is what psychologist refer to as the recency effect. This is called a blind spot. You are making decisions based on a previous outcome and not what is infront of you: Something that is common but people are unaware of. It’s a cause for poor trading decisions. And people thing emotions is the biggest aspects of trading, no chance . It’s your thoughts and how you treat them. Younis will dive deep into all the blind spots and how to navigate through them in one of the Mindset Masterclass Modules. —If, is the devil. It’s a word from the devil. IF this. And IF that. And if I had only done this or that then xyz. Regret, worry some thoughts comes from the devil. Don’t say if only I had done this, cos you open room for him. —It’s not about becoming aware, it’s about what you’re becoming aware of!!! Beat quotes from Younis. —The market tells you what you are and what to improve. —When you’re trading, there’s the trader, the analyst, or the gambler. Only one can drive the train. The analyst tells the trader the data to execute on. The trader executes. The gambler goes off plan. Overtrading. Blindspots. Over leveraging. He wants to see what he can do outside of the plan. Who’s in your driver seat?
New comment Jun 24
4 Hour mooncast notes
@Devashish Bansod tell them Just finished watching the 4 hr call here are some notes that i wrote down while listening to the call i tried my best to keep it simple but mostly its written exactly how Younis said in the call & honestly i would have missed some pieces ill go through it once more & share if i missed something , thanks Younis for the call lots of gems i hope this helps others. 1. Do not judge thoughts that you notice because if you judge or you condemn what you hear then that means that the same voice would be coming through the back door. 2. Don't identify with what you feeling because that's your ego/mind that's not you & if you do then your'e gonna end up feeling crap or bad or that way . 3. Success is reserved for those who focus on their goals/purpose/mission. 4. Most people try to look for what more they need to do rather than most of the time it's actually limitations/constraints that's holding them back from their ability to focus ex- someone might be sleep deprived that's what holding them back,someone might have toxic relationships. 5. Just because you notice something that dosen't mean you can prevent it from arising the thoughts , so acknowledging it just makes it easier to not act on the thoughts it dosen't stop the thoughts. 6. Thoughts are most of the times triggered by something ex- if you have a thought of jumping in a trade something triggered it or it could be literally an impatient feeling , it could be making money now, it could be fuck this i'm gonna prove to my parents this is real. 7. Give yourself time to experiment so that means don't go on refining things every other day/week give it time to test things don't quickly jump maybe refine in a month/two. 8. Maximize on one pillar means go all in at that pillar & minimize other areas & minimizing means maintaining - ( 3-5 times then growing in that area ) ex - for body younis he is not being mad at body building he is working out 15 mins a day / 8-10 mins just to maintain his body so that you don't go all mad but you keep the momentum. 9. Think of a ladder in that where you are & then think of what the next level looks like & then enjoy the process of going to that level. 10. Carrier/studying/work is considered worship it's faith too so by doing it you are not neglecting faith it's a form of faith. 11. Priorities are always changing it's all about adaptation that's when you start understanding life & being successful. 12. If your priorities are changing often then you have to ask why it's often is it you or is it you bringing more new people in your life who brings their own problems to you then you have to listen to them & then you have yours too blah blah blah . 13. Stop anything that you are slave to (for me weed & i'm working on it not smoked from past 3 days) because most of the times we are doing it for filling a void & every time we are doing it we are teaching our mind that doing that fills the void & every time there is void we crave whatever we've told our body&mind it's the reward system which it's not, it's the same as trading when we teach ourselves that jumping in an unplanned trade is gonna stop this impatient feeling of waiting for a trade & then your'e gonna keep doing that , your'e gonna keep reinforcing that behavior/belief "fuck i'm finally in the market now it's better that waiting for a trade two weeks & when it hits stop loss ahh i wish i didn't do it & next time it repeats because you want that relief. 14. Do give charity & if you give charity you never go broke. 15. If you wanna know what's your god everyday just ask yourself what your'e thinking about the most that's your god. 16. It's not how you start it's how you end , so don't measure who you were last week measure who you were yesterday , so last week you can be someone else like ex- praying having faith in god & yesterday you would literally be questioning him where he is , i'm struggling i'm praying for things for years & they are still not here doubting his existence. Your'e only as good as your'e habits were yesterday ex- last week you didn't smoke but yesterday you smoked so you are a smoker now. The quality of your action is reflection who you are right now ex- last session your focus was good but this session it was not so work on that specific constraint. 17. You can't feel the heart with true contentment & happiness from anything external. 18. You need to be content with what your'e given. To be content is when you go from a boy to a man , look this is what god has given me right now , he might give me more tomorrow much more , but right now this is what i have ex- this is the roof i have over my head, the food that's presented to me , this are the clothes that i have , so these are your blessing. 19. An addiction will always try to justify itself , i've been through it . 20. Your heart gets impacted by the words on your tongue. 21. Weed makes you think a lot but not act (Younis perspective but you can do your own research & i can guarantee you guys this is what weed does ) . A man changes when he acts & not just thinks. 22. Make a list of everything you do for 7 days & then out of them list the constraints & work on eliminating them ex - smoking weed, going to gym, watching tv, eating late, sleeping late . 23. Ask god to show you what's the next best step if you wanna maximize on faith. 24. By constantly focusing on the quality of the action , striving to do it better , enjoying the process , you should be content before you pursue it & everything else will be it's byproduct. 25. Your problems are not basically your problems you are just viewing it as your problems it's mostly in your head. 26. If god dose'nt want to guide you you ain't getting guided even if someone shows you evidence you will deny it , if god wants to guide you it will be done. 27. If you don't tell your brain what you need to focus on in the moment then it will decide for you ex- In session if you don't tell your brain to wait for a setup then it will focus on making an trade idea & then taking it . 28. State your priority ask yourself what's your priority & then how you gonna go forward into it basically the priority & whats within that priority . Also state your brain the day time you doing it in your routine cause if u don't then it will decide for you so work on what how & when. 29. Sometimes you need to allow space for quietness so like after you have focused on your priorities in your free time just being silent for sometime will help a lot it can give your brain ideas on how to apply the knowledge. 30. For reading books younis says read through it until it gives you some applicable action basically read it until it hits you & tells you something you didn't know / it's given you a perspective you didn't know so you should reflect & act upon it / an applicable action then you are done reading for the day , don't read 50 pages a day you will simply become a consumer . 31. Daily routine = Obligatories + Priority. 32. When it comes to faith & trading don't ever think " oh i conquered this i've got midfulness, psychology this & that " you never conquer anything because these are the areas which you can never fully master it means there's no top of the mountain/end , there is always constantly getting better & for faith you are either moving closer tom god / away from him. 33. When you center everything around god , he actually gives you abilities ex-ability to memorize , ability to giving charity , ability/opportunity to getting closer to him, ability to remember poor people, ability to focus , etc. 34. Your guilt should come from not doing what you meant to do & not some random shit. 35. Change happens incrementally over time like everyday you are changing & one day you look back & say oh my god i'm a complete different person i don't watch porn , i don't smoke , i follow my morning routine , etc , it happens but if you are waiting for that moment to happen then it never happens , there's no such thing like it clicks all of a sudden , it's been clicking all the time .
New comment Jun 21
First Faith call introduction
I thought it would be beneficial if i shared my notes, thank you for @Mathew Impey for the inspo. I am re-watching every single one and will share my refined notes. When you feel like you’re going through something like relapsing and stress, that’s just life you aren’t going through anything When choosing your wife, you want to choose the rare out of the rare ‘I feel max-funded from god with this contentment I have’ - Rely on Allah Allah created us to sin, do you just sin or do you come back to him when you sin? When you know why you shouldn’t be on social media then you won’t even feel like you have to resist it, you won’t find it challenging to quit. And with praying you’ll start praying when you know why you have to pray What Younis is teaching us is saving us thousands, you have to go to the top dogs to learn what he’s teaching Opening the microwave a few seconds earlier is entering a trade early. Crossing the road when the lights still red but there’s no car in sight is entering a trade early. Funneling your thought through a process, for example you see a sweet one, and then you funnel it through your love process where you’re looking for a woman that has X, Y and Z. If you then discover she’s not an A+ set up, then keep it moving she’s not your wife Funnel your thought through the process, If you don’t, you’re just going to act on that thought and end up being with the woman that you found attractive, when you could be finding your wife Allah would of given you your wife, but you didn’t wait so he’s going to delay it In a few months you will be out the darkness, you will be happy, proud of yourself, feel successful, no matter where you are funded or not you will feel successful, you’ll be glowing Your life will never as perfect as you want it to be until you’re a good Muslim, you won’t be truly happy and content, you’re just deluded by the devil which wants you to think that when you get funded you become happy, and that lasts for a moment and then you want more funded
New comment Jun 19
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