Notes from G&R Premium Faith call (Purification of the heart)
Minutes from Zoom 9 - First Faith Call Thanks to for the beautiful note taking. May God increase our knowledge!!
  • Coming back to God starts with repentance
  • The sins you have committed consciously and unconsciously in the past can still be at play on your heart until you seek forgiveness
  • If you want to develop faith you have to first apologize for all the sins you committed
You have to repent to God to succeed. He wants you to repent and seek forgiveness. He is the most merciful, most compassionate for a reason. Everyone may turn their backs on you but God is always available if you seek Him yet you choose to turn your back on Him? If you walk towards Him, He promises to run towards you.
  • Discussed what to say in Arabic or English > ‘Please forgive me for my sins’, ‘Oh God you are the most forgiving, you love forgiveness, so please forgive me’
Keep saying that all day, 100s of times a day, you’re going to see your life change. You’re going to get richer in every type of way – do it because he deserves it not just to get something back in return.
  • You won’t get anything you want till you seek forgiveness
  • When you make dua, it can change the destiny of your year
  • You have to reflect, don’t just finish with this zoom and then jump onto the next, sit down and reflect, how was your listening during the zoom, was your mind wandering?
  • Sitting here and just watching this zoom is worth a million bucks, we are so lucky, it’s such a blessing, Allah has really given me everything but I’m just neglecting him
  • If you consistently sit down in a serious manner and reflect on your actions God will change your state, of darkness to light and sadness to joy
  • Do not think you are going to do any action without God holding you to account for it, any action you do you will be asked about it
That’s why it’s very important to live a mindful, conscious life, as you start to begin to really question what are we doing, what are we about to do, is this for the sake of God, is this pleasing to him?
  • Start to live a very conscious life and know every action is being held accountable
If somebody commits a sin, darkness accompanies it, the heart becomes black by acts of disobedience
  • When you commit a bad action its accompanied by darkness, your heart becomes blacker the more you commit sins until it becomes fully black, consequently it’s not purified except by repentance to Allah
  • To remove the darkness from the sin committed you have to repent to God, repenting is literally one of the ways to purify your heart
  • The darkness manifests as anxiety and worry
  • We don’t know what sins we are committing we are not perfect human beings, there might be things we’re doing that’s displeasing to Allah without us knowing that
  • Every sin has a consequence, one creates anger issues, one creates emptiness, one creates anxiety and worry
God says there are some sin’s that will leave you anxious and worried
  • You will never be happy if you neglect God, i.e. not praying, not fasting
  • If you put God first, you will never be anxious or worried, even if you lost your parents or say the whole world is falling on you, you will be in the calmest state because nothing belongs to you it all belongs to God and it’s all going to go back to him
  • Main thing we focus on as Muslims is how we return to God, what state we are going to be in
Its normal to cry and be sad about the passing of someone but there’s more benefit praying for your parents when they pass away
  • God loves the one that often-repents and purifies themselves
Reflect on what you did during the day and if you find good actions thank Allah for it and if you find evil actions then repent for it
  • If you repent to god the traces of sins will disappear
  • God loves you more if you sin and you immediately repent to him, he loves that man
We’re coming out the Skool community with a pure white, sparkling heart and soul
You’re displeasing god sometimes through displeasing people
If you litter, you’re displeasing God
  • If you have sinned, God is the most merciful and is the most forgiving, he can forgive all your sins and you can wake up and start with a new leaf like you’ve never ever disrespected your parents or watched porn
  • God is waiting for you to come to him so he can forgive you, he loves it
He’s waiting for you but you’re delaying it
  • God has allowed me to be interested in learning about him on this call
  • God put you on this call because he wants you to learn what seeking forgiveness is and how to do it and then seek forgiveness from God
  • You’ve asked God to show you what the next best steps are to get closer to him, and he has done so by putting you on this call
  • Ask Allah to forgive you for the sins you did that you didn’t think were sins
Ask for forgiveness in a state of seriousness, you should be sad
  • He’s given you all these things, but you have turned your back on him and that is why you’re anxious, unhappy, not content, why you don’t have what you want
Watch a video of Omar Suleyman about asking for forgiveness -
  • Sex before marriage makes you go broke; it puts you in financial difficulties
  • Ask your God to give you abilities and you’ll be able to do things that you didn’t think were possible
  • Because now you know what the sin is and what isn’t, you should be striving not to commit sins, but remember it’s not suddenly going to become easier for you not to do it but you should be striving
  • You won’t be able to remove darkness from your heart without repentance, that darkness is not enabling you to see reality for what it is
  • The more you repent eventually you will get rid of that rope of addiction
  • Persistence in repenting, not giving up, there will be a day when you never come back to the sin
  • Certain clicks will happen in a moment, and it comes down to how much energy is in your desire to change
  • You will not attain the honour of God except from emulating the Prophet P.B.U.H, asking for forgiveness is emulating the Prophet
  • God told us who the best man on earth is so why wouldn’t you want to copy him, you want to copy the way he speaks, how he goes toilet, everything you can. The more you emulate the best man on earth in the eyes of God, the more you become better in the eyes of God
  • Your tears are going to turn to diamonds
The way God speaks to you when you cry to him, he will bring peace to your heart, that’s his way of saying don’t cry it’s good you’re crying to me because I am your creator, you wanna get rich you have to get rich through me
  • You take 1 step to him he takes 10 steps to you
  • His blessings can be anything like giving you thoughts, giving you peace and tranquillity, guiding you, putting you on this call etc. etc.
  • When we have a problem, we want to find a solution now, we don’t need to know now we’ve stepped in the door by seeking forgiveness and how to purify our hearts
  • I’m feeling so moon, I need a nap
  • The deliberate act of doing nothing is actually an act of doing something
  • If you’ve been listening to this zoom call really well and taking notes that’s high performance
  • Thinking you need to be occupied every single hour of the day otherwise you feel like you’re doing nothing is a conditioned mind, that’s not the right way
  • That’s not just going to burn you out, but it’s not actually productive, you end up falling and not learning
  • There’s people out there making £5 million a year by working 2 hours a day, it’s about working smarter and harder
  • Don’t fall into the trap of yeah, I’m going to be occupied every hour of the day
Maybe Allah has blessed you with time to do nothing so you can reflect so you can think of how to better tomorrow
Turn that nothing into repenting, he’s given you time to do nothing
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Younis Ward
Notes from G&R Premium Faith call (Purification of the heart)
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