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Selling Online / Prime Mover

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81 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Let's talk hard truths about Meta ads.
Most agencies are stuck in 2015, burning cash on vanity metrics. Here's what actually moves the needle in 2024: 1. Video content that hooks in 2 seconds flat 2. Hyper-targeted audience segmentation 3. Landing pages that convert, not just look pretty 4. Relentless A/B testing (and I mean relentless) 5. Data-driven optimization, daily Forget 'brand awareness'. We're in the business of turning ad spend into profit. If your agency isn't obsessing over these, you're leaving money on the table. What's your biggest Meta ads challenge? Drop it below. Let's solve it together.
New comment 20h ago
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@Rosa Medina Great question! In my experience, if an ad is performing exceptionally well, I wouldn't even think about touching it. Throughout my career, I've seen that any interference with a high-performing ad, whether editing or turning it off and on, often results in a dip in performance. It rarely regains its original magic. That said, if an ad isn't performing well, then absolutely - turning it off and on can sometimes give it a fresh start. The landscape is always evolving, so who knows what the future might bring. But for now, my advice is: if it's not broken, don't fix it. Let those winning ads run their course untouched.
0 likes • 20h
@Lund Sarah I prefer to let our results speak for themselves. With years of experience running successful Meta ad campaigns for a diverse range of clients, I'd say we've developed a deep expertise. But in this fast-evolving field, there's always more to learn. What specific Meta ad challenges are you facing? Maybe I can offer some insights. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to discuss in more detail.
The Power of Building Lasting Habits for Business Success
Let's talk about habits, but not in the usual "21 days to a new you" way. I want to dive into something that's been a game-changer for me and many successful entrepreneurs: 90-day habit challenges. If you're serious about leveling up your business, it's crucial to develop habits that align with your long-term goals. We often get caught up in the hustle and the noise, but the real magic happens when we focus on building habits that stick. Here's why I believe in the 90-day challenge over the popular 21-day myth: Why 21 Days Isn't Enough You've probably heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. While it sounds great, let's be real—how many times have you started something only to lose momentum after a few weeks? The truth is, 21 days isn't enough to cement a habit that can withstand life's curveballs. Real transformation takes time. According to research and personal experience, 90 days is a solid timeframe to build a habit that lasts. It's long enough to face and overcome the ups and downs, ensuring the habit becomes an integral part of your daily routine. The 90-Day Challenge: One Habit at a Time Imagine what would happen if you focused on building one new habit every 90 days. In a year, you'd have four powerful habits working for you, each one moving you closer to your business and personal goals. It's not about overloading yourself but about mastering one change at a time. Here's How to Get Started: 1. Choose One Habit: Pick one habit that aligns with your business goals. It could be daily content creation, lead generation, or even dedicating time to learning a new skill. 2. Commit for 90 Days: Dedicate yourself to this habit every single day for the next 90 days. Track your progress and adjust as needed. 3. Reflect and Adapt: At the end of the 90 days, reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Adapt and decide if you want to continue this habit or move on to a new one. My Personal Experience For me, these 90-day challenges have been life-changing. For instance, I focused on meditation and cold showers for 90 days. This daily practice not only improved my mental clarity and resilience but also gave me the discipline to tackle business challenges head-on. After those 90 days, meditation and cold showers became second nature, providing a foundation of focus and energy that I could effortlessly integrate into my daily routine.
New comment 50m ago
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@Jon Pakula Love the commitment, Jon! The Power List is a game-changer. Going beyond 90 days to a full year shows real dedication. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone daily is where the growth happens. Keep at it, and those goals won't stand a chance! 💪🚀
Growth Hack: Want to scale your business?
Stop doing it all yourself. Start hiring juniors who don't break the bank—they’ll still have a big impact. As you grow, bring in seniors and specialists who are even better than you. Surround yourself with top talent. Your business is only as strong as the team behind it. Outsource, delegate, and elevate. The fastest way to grow is by investing in people who can help you push forward. What's your next hire going to be?
🔥 The Truth About Failure: How Embracing Mistakes Unlocks Success 🔥
Here’s something they don’t tell you enough: Failure is not the enemy. In fact, it’s the most powerful tool you have to grow. I’ve been running my online business for 5+ years, and trust me, mistakes have been my best teachers. The key is how you respond to failure that sets you apart from those who give up. 1️⃣ Mistakes Are Priceless Lessons When I first started, I thought failure was something to avoid. But after losing time, money, and energy on strategies that didn’t work, I realized something critical—each mistake was a lesson in disguise. These lessons weren’t just random—they were specific insights I couldn’t have learned in any book or course. Failure forces you to adapt, to get creative, and ultimately, to improve. If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough. 2️⃣ The Winners Are the Ones Who Rise Quickly Everyone stumbles. But here’s the difference: successful people don’t dwell on their failures. They get back up fast. The quicker you bounce back from a setback, the quicker you’ll start moving forward again. A big mistake many make? Spending too much time stuck in self-doubt after they fall. Instead of seeing failure as the end, view it as a reset button—a chance to start smarter. 3️⃣ Your Education Is the Best Investment You’ll Ever Make Some people think they’ve learned enough to coast. That’s the biggest mistake of all. You should always be learning, because what worked yesterday might not work today. Whether it’s attending a mastermind, investing in a course, or finding a mentor, continuously improving your knowledge will give you an edge. I didn’t see fast growth in my business until I started investing in my education—and not just casually. I made learning a priority. The results? Faster decision-making, fewer mistakes, and more clarity in my strategy. 4️⃣ Pride Can Kill Your Growth One of the hardest lessons for me to learn was realizing that I don’t know everything. The day I put my ego aside and reached out for help was the day things started to shift for me. You need to be open to learning from others who have done it better, faster, and with more experience.
New comment 6d ago
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@Jon Pakula Absolutely, Jon! 💯 The faster you fail, the quicker you learn and adapt. It’s all about turning those failures into stepping stones for success!
0 likes • 6d
@Wilson Alex You're welcome, Wilson! 👍 Glad it was helpful!
In the age of digital overload, it’s no longer enough to put out an ad and hope it resonates with a wide audience. 🚫 The key to high-converting campaigns isn’t flashy visuals or big budgets—it’s speaking directly to the right audience, using the right words to trigger emotional responses and drive action. 🔥 Here’s why refining your messaging to speak to specific audiences is absolutely essential for any marketing strategy: 🎯 1. LANGUAGE THAT CONNECTS BUILDS TRUST INSTANTLY The most effective marketing speaks to people’s inner worlds—their frustrations, desires, and needs. 🧠 When your audience feels understood, they trust you more quickly. Think about it: have you ever heard an ad or read a message and thought, “Wow, this is exactly what I’ve been dealing with!”? That’s the magic of targeted language. When you use words, phrases, and concepts that speak directly to your audience’s unique situation, they feel an instant connection. The more specific your message, the more relatable and trustworthy your brand appears. 💬 Tip: Do deep research on your audience’s language—what terms they use to describe their struggles, what they hope for, and what they care about. Mirror that language in your ads for a stronger connection. 🔥 2. TRIGGER EMOTIONAL RESPONSES: TAP INTO WHAT MOTIVATES ACTION Logic tells, but emotion sells. 🚀 People are moved to action by how they feel, not just what they know. Ads that make people feel something—whether it’s excitement, relief, curiosity, or even a sense of urgency—are the ones that inspire clicks, conversions, and loyalty. 🧠 The key is to know which emotional triggers will resonate with your target audience. For instance: - Are they frustrated by a recurring problem? Use language that acknowledges that frustration and offers a solution. - Are they seeking status or success? Frame your message around what they’ll achieve and how your product or service empowers them. - Are they anxious about missing out? Leverage FOMO (fear of missing out) to inspire urgency and action.
New comment 7d ago
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@Inès Habenicht Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback! 🙏 Messaging consistency is often overlooked, but it’s such a game-changer when it comes to building trust and driving conversions. Glad the post resonated with you!
1 like • 7d
@Stefan Badertscher Wooow! You're crushing it! You’re like a busy bee out here! 🐝
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Valerij Koljada
260points to level up
Founder of a Data-Driven Agency | Building Campaigns That Convert Like | Leading a Team of 20+ Experts | Sharing Bold Strategies for Digital Success

Active 4h ago
Joined Aug 7, 2024
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