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Selling Online / Prime Mover

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114 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
🔥 The Extra 20%: The Difference Between Success and Greatness 🏆
Today, I kicked off the Prime Mover Coaching Program and started with the Linchpin Framework Training... Right from the very first session, Russell Brunson shared a story that hit me hard. It was a powerful reminder of what separates those who succeed from those who become CHAMPIONS. What I Learned: The Power of the Extra 20% Russell asked a critical question: Why do some people have more success than others when everything else is the same? The answer is simple but profound. It’s the extra 20%. That’s the difference between everyone else and a Champion! Champions are willing to do what no one else will... The extra effort, the extra focus, and the extra commitment are what set them apart. It’s not just about attending the event, getting the knowledge, or receiving the tools—it’s about what you do after the event… He made it clear: It’s up to YOU to put in that extra 20%. No one can do it for you! How You Can Apply This: Go All In: Whether you’re building funnels, growing your business, or developing a new skill, ask yourself—what’s the extra 20% I can give today? What can I do that others won’t? Stay Focused: Immersion is key. Fully engage in what you’re learning, apply it, and don’t let distractions take you off course. Take Ownership: Success isn’t about what someone else gives you; it’s about what YOU do with it. Make the decision to step up and be a Champion in your own life. How I’m Putting This into Practice: As I dive into the Prime Mover Coaching Program, I’m committing to finding my extra 20% every day. Whether it’s spending more time learning, refining my skills, or putting in extra effort to grow my Challenger Syndicate community, I’m determined to go ALL IN! This isn’t just about absorbing information—it’s about putting in the energy, the focus, and the work needed to create real, lasting change. What’s YOUR extra 20%? 💥 What can you do today that will set you apart from the rest and push you toward greatness? Let me know in the comments below—I’d love to hear how you're stepping up! 💪👊
New comment 5d ago
🔥 The Extra 20%: The Difference Between Success and Greatness 🏆
5 likes • 6d
Yes...go the extra's less crowded there!
Webinars -> Go Black Swan Hunting (Swipe My Guide)
We know that the first 100 webinars should be held live to get the most potential for improvement, but beyond the trial closes, and maybe a FAQ, how do you get the most? About 10 months ago, I was watching Frank Kern's webinar promoting his software that would use AI to create whole courses in minutes, and at the end, he literally sat smiling at the camera for over 60 minutes. He was clearly reading the chat live, because every 2-3 minutes he would break the silence to answer the question. I finally ditched because I got uncomfortable, but I know FOR A FACT that he doubled or even tripled his sales in that period. Now, maybe you aren't as devilishly handsome or experienced as Frank , but you CAN take something home from this: ASK questions, don't ANSWER questions. Your audience doesn't necessarily know their doubts any better than you do, and might not know what questions to ask, so they sit and watch other questions hoping theirs will be answered. Now, in my webinars, I would prompt and prod for more questions, and it worked super well, but that's because I wasn't familiar with the concept of black swan hunting (Chris Voss). The concept is to go hunting for the big domino in your audience like a retriever might sniff out a swan. I put together these 9 objectives that you can AND MUST go through with your audience in a lead Q&A: Steal and use them! Calibrated Question Guide: 1. Uncover Hidden Needs • Question: “What are the most important outcomes you’re looking for that we haven’t discussed yet?” • Purpose: This question prompts the client to share additional needs or desires that may not have come up earlier, revealing Black Swans. • Example 1: “What specific features or outcomes would make this solution a complete success for you?” • Example 2: “What other goals do you have that this solution could potentially help with, even if we haven’t covered them yet?” 2. Explore Decision-Making Processes • Question: “How does your decision-making process typically work for something like this?”
New comment 6d ago
Webinars -> Go Black Swan Hunting (Swipe My Guide)
0 likes • 6d
Wow, great write up man! Thx for sharing! I love this sells ninja stuff.
Two Word Challenge ✌️
If you’re in this group, you’re a prime mover entrepreneur. Describe what you’re creating or offering in 2️⃣ words! I’ll start… Unapologetically Unique!!! 💪🤩
New comment 4d ago
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4 mindsets
Funnel Hacking LIVE Day #1 is in the BAG! We just listened to the: - ClickFunnels State of the Union - Special Q&A Session - Kathryn Jones - Anthony Trucks Let me know (1) What's been your BIGGEST "shift" and (2) What is your EXCITED for in Day 2!?! (I've got some surprises for you up my sleeve in the morning!!) ------------------------------------ If you do NOT have your ticket yet - watch the first presentation for FREE using the video (and choose to secure your ticket to join us LIVE before you miss too much)!!
New comment 7d ago
1 like • 15d
Ok...can't pick a favorite! Love it all!!!!
1 like • 15d
Dominate = govern and control.
[FHL AHA MOMENTS] Kathryn Jones Lish on Utilizing the FULL Potential of ClickFunnels!
How do you take your Funnel Building to the NEXT LEVEL!?! Learn from one of the Best Funnel Designers & Builders in our Niche! 4 Time FHL Speaker - she's never CEASED to blow the SOCKS off of the audience!! Sound off on your BIGGEST AHAs!! ------------ If you do NOT have your ticket yet - watch the first presentation for FREE using the video (and choose to secure your ticket to join us LIVE before you miss too much)!!
New comment 8d ago
[FHL AHA MOMENTS] Kathryn Jones Lish on Utilizing the FULL Potential of ClickFunnels!
0 likes • 15d
@Rosa Medina love this!
1 like • 15d
@Julie Lorentz thanks! A great chart!!!!
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Tom Pina
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Results Coach... Founder of Piña Coaching... Man of Faith🙏 Veteran 🎖 Father👨‍🍼 Husband 💑 Imperfect human 🤷‍♂️ Joker

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