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360 Volleyball Starters (Free)

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35 contributions to 360 Volleyball Starters (Free)
Hi, I’m Sara and I’m 17, almost 18, and I feel like volleyball has my heart. In the last year I started to take seriously this sport and I regret not doing do a long time ago. I feel behind my teammates and I want to do better, I want to feel the results when I play.
New comment Jun 11
0 likes • Jun 11
Hi, I know how it feels to regret not playing sooner. My parents didn't support me in school but I started playing anyways after earning my own money and turning 18. Their reason was that I got hit in the face by the ball too often when playing some soccer in between school breaks. Even when I was far away haha 🥲 Always got dizzy and headaches afterwards so they had to pick me up and see a doctor. But now almost 5 years playing I was hit only 2 times by a spike. The other 5 hits in the face were when my teammates kicked the ball with the foot after it already touched the ground and they were angry. Hope you enjoy the sport and that you catch up to your teammates soon💪
0 likes • Jun 11
I fell in love with this sport when we tried it in PE in 2017. Started playing in a drop in volleyball club soon after. It's fun to play every position and just focus on playing
teaching kids
I feel like teaching helped me realize how many things we forget while playing: • the importance of the details, like the position of your hips, hands, and feet, the will reflect how you play. • sometime, slowing down is key to improve your skill. If you’re not understanding what are you doing, you will never remember it. • some kids are born with talent, but that doesn’t mean their better. Obsession can beat talent. • attitude will improve your game. If you start without confidence, you will never use your power at 100% • NEVER FORGET WHY YOU STARTED: I see so many kids already bored of the sport, bored of always doing the same thing. I know sometimes coaches can bring you down or making you lose the joy, but it’s important to fight for it, or you’ll never improve. What do you think?
New comment Jun 11
1 like • Jun 11
This is so accurate even the smallest detail can have a big effect. My cousin didn't know he had to keep his platform steady and the ball went everywhere. The last point you mentioned is the most important: Why you started. I've almost forgotten why I train so much. My club and the members had almost ruined my passion for the sport. Maybe that was the push I needed to try to play club volleyball with real tactics and a coach💪
Jump progress but sore back any good stretch recommendations?
Been working on this jump program for abt 7 weeks aswell as strength and conditioning at training, im 6'3 and weight close to 100 kgs so jumping and ik for some of you not being super light would effect your jump so just wanted to say you all got this, my vert has increased from 26-30 inches in the last 7 weeks which is massive for me as that is almost a ball higher. Ive also just moved to playing opposite which has allowed me to take advantage of my 330 spike height. I am having issues with being achy in my upper back and shoulders, does anyone have any good stretches i could give a try?
New comment Jun 12
1 like • Jun 11
First of all: respect dude that vert is insane, congrats! I have a desk job so I do a few stretches to release back pain and to improve my general posture: -cat-cows -wall spinal extensions -spine stretch -box shoulder stretch -cherry pickers Some shoulder exercises also include the upper back so I recommend not to skip them. The channel "MovementByDavid" has some free ebooks on his website hope it helps you:
How often should i train?
i’m 15 and live in IL i have absolutely no idea how to train vertical wise and everyone says not to overwork my legs, so my question is if i already have practice like 3 days a week how often should i do jump-related workouts?
New comment Jun 6
How often should i train?
1 like • Jun 6
Damn you're jumping HIGH man I envy you a little 🥲 How high is your current vertical? I don't really have experience about the training workload someone should do. I think it depends on the person. I found a channel focusing on plyometrics to increase vertical jump and athletism. It's called "plyomorph" and he has lots of videos. For myself training 2-3 times a week already helped fast. Weight training to train max power is also important but I didn't really touch weights until a few months ago. Elevate yourself made a video about the vertical jump template. So basically how to make a workout: Hope maybe someone can give you better tips with their experience
1-10 of 35
Takumi Sato
11points to level up
155cm short but smart No fixed position - allrounder

Active 67d ago
Joined Apr 18, 2024
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