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13 contributions to MindChrysalis
For Thought
If anyone is interested in sports and the mind - This reiterates everything hear about what the most successful athletes do! - TRAIN THE SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND! Hope this helps πŸ‘ŠπŸ½
For Thought
Book Recommendations
Hey guys, it's been a while! I hope you are all well. I just recently finished the book the body keeps the score on Ryan's recommendation in a video. I was curious if anyone had any other good books on the subconscious and its reaction to trauma. Or even the subconscious in general, it fascinates me! Thanks guys, all the best :)
New comment Feb 29
4 likes β€’ Feb 20
Alright mate. Lots of great book options I got. I would highly recommend reading in relation to subconscious mind! Psychocybernetics - Maxwell Matlz Hope - Mark Manson Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz The Chimp Paradox - Dr.Steven Peters
Feelings of trauma still lingering
Hey guys, firstly I would like to say I hope everyone is doing great and having a wonderful start to the new year. I have been busy and I want to make this year one of the best years of my life. So you saw the title of this post, so let me explain.. Some of you probably have heard of me and my struggles if you are a part of the body language mastery program. Long story short, I grew up with an abusive dad, a person that sometimes I think is not human. Manages to make my life a misery or put me off my stride when I start to gather momentum. Growing up in that house I was never allowed to have a voice or a personality. He never talked to me much, but when he wasn't happy he would say all kinds of nasty things like your useless, your lazy you should be ashamed of yourself. A part of me thinks that he thinks I am him. Like I can't be a different person. I have been out of his house for a while now which has brought about it's own challenges but it is better to be away from him. But I have seen that I have picked up some unhelpful behaviors from being around him. I grew up quite shy and have a bit of anxiety when around men of his age or in general around people probably because he was quick to lose his shit if I made a little bit of noise or didn't close the door. He is quite an intimidating man to be around and so everyone around him are always walking on eggshells. I have noticed I need to start to stand up for myself more and express myself. If I did that with him, damn he would smash my water bottle or throw something at me. Looking back I think there is something not quite right with him. I feel I have a lot of self doubt and confidence issues. I don't go after things. My mind always thinks the worst case scenario. My mind is my own worse enemy. I feel I am negative at times, maybe from growing up in a negative house. I swear everyone that interacts with him becomes more negative and depressed. Some days I feel a lot of depression, or Why should I even try. Or sadness and misery. I don't like this. People don't want to be around me. I don't feel in the best of moods. Though I would describe myself as being a generally positive person who tries to see the good in everything, though my mind likes to see the negative. Sometimes my mind drifts back to the times I was around him and I think "what a crazy guy". Or "I wish this had not happened to me my life could have been so much better. I think I have a generally feeling of "I'm not good enough" "I don't deserve this." "Others are better than me." I don't want to attract people like my dad into my life ever again.
New comment Jan 22
5 likes β€’ Jan 17
Hi Jack. Well done for posting on here and it is brave to be honest in public about your experience. It seems like your trauma is not fully cleared and there is still negative beliefs tied in your subconscious, potentially rage and resentment. I am not here to diagnose, but definitely find ways which can help you: 1. Understand your emotions - Let your emotions be. Whatever you are feeling in that moment do not fight them. Reflect, track or write down in a journal how you are feeling in that moment. What is trigger, causing and where in your body 2. Spend a good period of time (1 hour or more) filling out the DTTF worksheet. Let the feelings resonate with what you are writing down. Ryan's instruction and guide breaks it down well and is simple to follow 3. Use the free audio provided - Go through once a day through those beliefs and clear them out. Pick a time in the day where you are not tired, but can still be relaxed but conscious. 4. Meditation - Can help with learning to calm and still the mind. This relaxed subconscious state also allows to make hypnosis easier 5. Pay for Ryan's Course - Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. Your Health is your wealth. It is a lifelong investment and pays long term dividends. The ROI for having a better, good and quality life is worth everything. It is what makes and keeps you alive. Hope this helped.
Curious how often everyone is doing the Hypnosis 101 Audio?
I tried doing it daily for a short period, but pivoted to doing it anytime I've felt resistance towards something. For example, I had a lot of resistance launching my client getting facebook ads for my agency the other day (identified it as fear of failure). Launched them, got a few appointments booked (positive reinforcement goes here), and then did it again today when I felt some nervousness/resistance towards taking sales calls. What's your current routine?
New comment Mar 9
6 likes β€’ Jan 11
From my experience, I did the hypnosis previously 1x a day or 3x a week. I think it is also important to allow time to be aware of what is actually triggering you, reflect and be able to feel it in your body. Question and ask yourself 'What triggered me today'? 'Why was I triggered'? 'Where do I feel it? This allowed to make hypnosis way more easier and enter the subconscious state rather than it feel forced. Hope this helped advice
5 likes β€’ Jan 11
@Nathan Field What I am doing it now is noting it down and almost tracking my triggers, then doing to the hypnosis audio to clear any negative beliefs. It really depends on what works for you. You can either do it straight away if possible when you've been immediately triggered or allow yourself to feel the emotion/trigger, reflect then conduct a hypnosis.
Be sure to check out tonight's webinar on poverty mindset!
Laurent and I are jointly presenting a webinar tonight on overcoming poverty and scarcity mindset. We'll break down the limiting subconscious beliefs that hold people back, and show you how to use our free self-hypnosis program to get these beliefs out of you! Check the calendar for details.
New comment Jan 9
3 likes β€’ Jan 8
Will check on replay! Love the topic!
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Steven Lawson
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Joined Sep 17, 2023
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