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14 contributions to Sam's Community
Pussy test
Drop down and do 25 pushups, not too much just 25 and then comment the video of you doing those 25 pushups . Let's see who passes the pussy test. Don't make any excuses like ohh I can't do a pushup or ill do it afterwards. Fuck no . Do 25 right fkn now
11 members have voted
New comment Feb 27
2 likes • Feb 26
@Vincent Young what about today
1 like • Feb 27
@Kasper Moelans fuck it that's more like a man's word
Hi my name is Micah
Hello, My name is Micah Knight. I live in USA and I play Ice Hockey. I own my own Car Detailing Business and I hope to go to business school and get an MSA or MBA to become a business owner or CEO/COO. I have been on self improvement for around 5 months now.
New comment Feb 27
2 likes • Feb 27
That seems like a fkn ambitious man on the grind
The 13 Books That Will Change Your Life (With Categories) 💰
This isn't your usual list of 'reAd RiCh Dad PoOr DaD' although thats a solid book, these are the books that allowed me to move the needle forward in all realms of human endeavour. Yes I've read the essentials, think and grow rich, how to win friends and influence people etc etc... This listed isn't about the top mainstream books nor is it about hidden gems, it's just what changed my life with no BS. Each category only has a few books, I don't want to tell you to go read 100 books without putting your learnings into practise, you're better off with just a few books, implementing the actions learnt asap. Self Mastery: - The Slight Edge - Jeff Oslon - The 48 Laws Of Power - Robert Greene Business & Entrepreneurship: - $100M Offers - Alex Hormozi - Expert Secrets - Russell Brunson - The 4 Hour Work Week - Tim Ferris - Zero To One - Peter Thiel Communication & Social Skills: Never Split The Difference - Chris Voss The Quick & Easy Way To Effective Speaking - Dale Carnegie Mindset: - The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker - The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - Dr Joseph Murphy - Awaken The Giant Within - Tony Robbins Systems & Productivity: SYSTEMology - David Jenyns Deep Work - Cal Newport 90% of the books i've read are cut off this list to keep it strictly the most technical needle movers. Consume books in the way the works for you. I take in knowledge quicker and retain information better from audio books, when reading I get distracted, (Most people are opposite) audiobooks force me to stay focused, or else I'll get behind. I go back and physically read the top 10% of books I listen to. Do what works for you. Cheers boys 🫶 Drop a comment if you have any recommendations for me or any of the other guys, always looking to learn.
New comment Feb 27
Push yourself: 360 an hour
Today I decided to just push myself. I have dealt with several injuries over the past several months but today I was like “fuck it” And so I decided to see how many pushups I could do in an hour. It seemed like shit and pain. I was excited. I was motivated and driven. I started out with 20 on the first set. Decided to do 8 every minute for as long as I can. With around 40 minutes left I had hit 80. I was feeling very confident. Around the 30 minute mark I lowered my pace to 6 pushups a minute. And then with 15 minutes left I lowered it to 5. It was exhausting. Could I push myself any further? With 11 minutes left I had hit my goal of 330 pushups. I could just quit couldn’t I? I hit my goal… NOPE. Fuck that dude. I am not leaving myself to scratch only my goals. I will go beyond. And that is what I did. With pure pain and no motivation I pushed through. Rep after rep. It felt like an eternity. I was pushing literally as hard as I can. Breaking down my form just to get the reps out. And what did I end up with…? 364!!!! I had beat my goal by 34 reps when it did not seem possible at all! I am truly proud of myself and amazed with what I have done. I encourage you to do something challenging. Do something random that seems really hard. See how fast you can run a mile (this shit HURTS) Make yourself proud
New comment Feb 26
1 like • Feb 26
That's more like the hardworking men's
You missed the entire point of Self Improvement
Listen bro, just because you: Workout Meditate Read Journal Work That doesn’t mean you’ve beat the game of life. Yeah, self-improvement is amazing. But you do realize the entire point of self-improvement is to live a better, more fulfilling life, right? The point is not to make some habits your entire life. The entire fucking reason you got ON self-improvement WAS to live a BETTER life. But now, all you do is stay in your fucking bubble and read books. It’s better than playing video games but you’re not actually living the life you envisioned. Because your life is supposed to be filled with EXPERIENCES. The point of self-improvement was to make those experiences better. Not to take them away. Here’s what I mean: Last year, there was a part-time job near my area for voice acting in an anime. I looked at the listing and thought, “Damn, should I do this?” Think about it, it would be such a cool experience to voice act in an anime. Not only would I be in the anime itself, but I could also potentially network with the people who worked there. That would be another thing I could add to my skill set and show people that “yeah, you see that guy? I voiced him.” But…what did I do? A: Applied for the job, got accepted, and did the voice acting B: Applied but didn’t get accepted C: Applied and got accepted but found out it was for a hentai anime D: Did not apply at all because I’m on self-improvement and “hate” anime You probably know… ...D. I gave up the opportunity because I was “on self-improvement and didn’t want anything to do with anime.” Bro, even if option C had happened that would still be a funny experience. But my retartedass didn’t even try because “I’m better than that.” The point is, DON’T give up a worthy opportunity if it presents itself. You are young and at a point where you can try a LOT of new things without having it be risky. You can make fast decisions because you don’t have much to manage. So take advantage of this!! Don’t give up a FUN, worthwhile experience just because you’re on self-improvement.
6 members have voted
New comment Feb 26
1 like • Feb 26
@Vincent Young true words man
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Shreyansh Kapoor
21points to level up
15 year old self improvement YouTuber from Mumbai,India

Active 4d ago
Joined Feb 22, 2024
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