Phone Flipping Academy
Private group
4k members
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded people, and all the resources you need to create & launch a successful Skool community in 2024.
What you'll get inside:
βœ… What is phone flipping
βœ… Exactly Where to source the phones $297
βœ… How to inspect the phones $97
βœ… Negotiation techniques $197
βœ… 100 + Ad Photos $47
βœ… Exactly how and where to sell the phones $149
βœ… Free advertising methods $97
βœ… Downloadable templates $47
βœ… Inventory Tracking Sheet$197
βœ… Step-By-Step Guides For EVERYTHING $97
🎁 Bonus: A network of other phone resellers (Priceless)
Access For $0/month
πŸ‘‰ Join Phone Flipping Community Now & Start your Profitable Phone Flipping Business πŸ‘‰
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Phone Flipping Academy
Learn (Step-byStep) how to make πŸ’° reselling iPhones
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