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My quotes
I started a Twitter account a week ago and have just been posting banger after banger. I write the best thoughts I have all day there. I will link it here and also send updates on it here in a big post. Here is about half of what I have written so far: Don’t let yourself loose the race of Man Someone is out there RIGHT NOW making the decisions YOU won’t make and is getting the things YOU WANT And then some people have the audacity to not have motivation. The worst feeling in the world is seeing someone take the place you aspired to be in. Nothing has changed to stop you from getting there. But you still DON'T TAKE ACTION. Do the fucking work. Get shit done. Be the man you want to become. One day you will die. There are two options: 1) Create monumental wealth and killer bloodline, and the rest of history will know your last name; or... 2) Keep putting off that thing you need to do. Scroll on social media. Do the things that will keep you poor FOREVER! I like 1 Find your restraint. You know what is holding you back. You know what you need to do. Go fucking do it. You need it. IT IS HOW YOU WIN. DO IT Success and mediocrity are both cyclical. Being mediocre will keep you mediocre. Being successful will keep you successful. Place your mind in the position of success and you will reap reward. Think mediocre... and start mediocre. It isn't that hard. I talk how I want to, about what I want to, how I want to, and when I want to. Do not let the opinions of others control your mind. IT IS YOURS! Treat it like it is. Your brain is not owned by your piers. Express your opinions like a MAN. Don't be controlled. Don't be soft. I know who the fuck I am. I was once lost too. Had motivation. Had drive. But was lost You need to find out who you are. Do some interesting shit. Go harden your mind. Build those callouses. Build that armor. Building the reality of your dreams makes you, you. Get to work
The 13 Books That Will Change Your Life (With Categories) 💰
This isn't your usual list of 'reAd RiCh Dad PoOr DaD' although thats a solid book, these are the books that allowed me to move the needle forward in all realms of human endeavour. Yes I've read the essentials, think and grow rich, how to win friends and influence people etc etc... This listed isn't about the top mainstream books nor is it about hidden gems, it's just what changed my life with no BS. Each category only has a few books, I don't want to tell you to go read 100 books without putting your learnings into practise, you're better off with just a few books, implementing the actions learnt asap. Self Mastery: - The Slight Edge - Jeff Oslon - The 48 Laws Of Power - Robert Greene Business & Entrepreneurship: - $100M Offers - Alex Hormozi - Expert Secrets - Russell Brunson - The 4 Hour Work Week - Tim Ferris - Zero To One - Peter Thiel Communication & Social Skills: Never Split The Difference - Chris Voss The Quick & Easy Way To Effective Speaking - Dale Carnegie Mindset: - The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker - The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - Dr Joseph Murphy - Awaken The Giant Within - Tony Robbins Systems & Productivity: SYSTEMology - David Jenyns Deep Work - Cal Newport 90% of the books i've read are cut off this list to keep it strictly the most technical needle movers. Consume books in the way the works for you. I take in knowledge quicker and retain information better from audio books, when reading I get distracted, (Most people are opposite) audiobooks force me to stay focused, or else I'll get behind. I go back and physically read the top 10% of books I listen to. Do what works for you. Cheers boys 🫶 Drop a comment if you have any recommendations for me or any of the other guys, always looking to learn.
New comment Feb 27
You missed the entire point of Self Improvement
Listen bro, just because you: Workout Meditate Read Journal Work That doesn’t mean you’ve beat the game of life. Yeah, self-improvement is amazing. But you do realize the entire point of self-improvement is to live a better, more fulfilling life, right? The point is not to make some habits your entire life. The entire fucking reason you got ON self-improvement WAS to live a BETTER life. But now, all you do is stay in your fucking bubble and read books. It’s better than playing video games but you’re not actually living the life you envisioned. Because your life is supposed to be filled with EXPERIENCES. The point of self-improvement was to make those experiences better. Not to take them away. Here’s what I mean: Last year, there was a part-time job near my area for voice acting in an anime. I looked at the listing and thought, “Damn, should I do this?” Think about it, it would be such a cool experience to voice act in an anime. Not only would I be in the anime itself, but I could also potentially network with the people who worked there. That would be another thing I could add to my skill set and show people that “yeah, you see that guy? I voiced him.” But…what did I do? A: Applied for the job, got accepted, and did the voice acting B: Applied but didn’t get accepted C: Applied and got accepted but found out it was for a hentai anime D: Did not apply at all because I’m on self-improvement and “hate” anime You probably know… ...D. I gave up the opportunity because I was “on self-improvement and didn’t want anything to do with anime.” Bro, even if option C had happened that would still be a funny experience. But my retartedass didn’t even try because “I’m better than that.” The point is, DON’T give up a worthy opportunity if it presents itself. You are young and at a point where you can try a LOT of new things without having it be risky. You can make fast decisions because you don’t have much to manage. So take advantage of this!! Don’t give up a FUN, worthwhile experience just because you’re on self-improvement.
6 members have voted
New comment Feb 26
Permanently quit Porn/Fapping
You are tired 😒, angry 😡, and frustrated 😩. No matter what, you can’t get yourself to permanently quit porn and fapping⬛🟧 🤦🏼‍♂️. You get free for a few days; cold showers 🥶, meditation🧘🏼‍♂️, fighting urges 😣. You think this is finally the time you’re getting free. ”This is it. I’m finally going to make it out 😁🙌🏼”…. and then you relapse. How many times has that happened 🤔💭 2? 10? 30? 100!? 😔. “Why can’t I just PERMANTLY get free, move on with life, and leave this thing in the past forever? 😭😭” Why does it have to be this perpetual, self-inflicted torture? You hate this so much but you just.. can’t.. get.. free… That was me bro and trust me when I tell you it was hell. (look at the image below) To be straightforward with you, you will be addicted to porn for the rest of your life if you keep doing NoFap. “The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over again expecting a different outcome” - Albert Einstein. Nofap doesn’t cure porn addiction, it only temporarily distracts you from it. Cold showers, exercise, avoiding triggers, fighting urges are all just a way of distracting yourself from what you want: fapping to porn. You are creating EXTERNAL change and resistance to try to quit, but inevitably you’ll overcome that resistance and relapse because your mind is still actively trying to pursue porn/fapping 🤯. I’m going to give you the only solution that will permanently free you from this addiction: creating INTERNAL change by fixing your 🧠 brain and mind. Why should you listen to me 🤔? I spent 4 years of misery trying to quit porn. I tried every NoFap strategy under the sun with no permanent success. I’d be able to abstain for a while from porn and fapping, but always fell back. I wanted to completely expel porn and fapping from my life, never having to think about it again. I didn’t want to frantically avoid being home alone or constantly be scared of relapse for the rest of my life. So I went on a journey to find permanent freedom, something better than NoFap. I read books on psychology, addiction, hypnosis, autosuggestion, human behavior, and more. After tons of research and studying, trial and error, and blood; sweat; and tears, I eventually got true freedom. I put all of my findings into this guide. It will allow you to get that too, without going through the pain I did to find it.
1 member has voted
Monk mode
Hey boys, I know the topic of monk mode may seem vague, and I know that so many youtubers have tried to speak about monk mode without actually telling you what to do step by step. I have made a full length (1hr+) video on my channel however Sam says not to post your yt vids in here (fair enough). I have summarised what I spoke about there and as a disclaimer, monk mode is so much more than "no alchohol" or "deep work". It is a whole lifestyle shift. However, as many people know, you still need to live your life. Do not think that you have to sit at your desk all day, wake up at 2 am, sleep at 6pm, gym 2x daily, etc. to be successfull with monk mode. It is about changing your lifestyle and identity, to something you are proud of. I have went very much into how to optimize your environment, talking about testosterone, success, girls, money, status, brotherhood, fun, family and everything you need to be successful in monk mode. Here is the list: Identify and cut down on 20% of bad habits causing 80% of your problems, like overeating or playing video games. (80/20 rule) Replace these habits with good ones and establish healthy routines, starting with small steps like a 5-minute meditation session. Gradually increase deep work hours and find hobbies to replace negative habits. Have a balanced diet, find healthy alternatives to carbs if needed, and fill the time previously spent on bad habits with new activities. Complete tasks, homework, or deep work before winding down for the day. Avoid activities like video games and spend time with family, friends, or nature instead. After nightly routines like hygiene and meditation, experiment with various tasks and activities to discover your purpose. (done through journalling or laying down and thinking) Prioritize personal purpose over material success. Recognize and eliminate factors contributing to poor mental health, similar to habit detoxes. If loneliness is the issue, form genuine connections with friends or join a brotherhood. (this brotherhood helps with that)
New comment Feb 22
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