Hey boys, I know the topic of monk mode may seem vague, and I know that so many youtubers have tried to speak about monk mode without actually telling you what to do step by step. I have made a full length (1hr+) video on my channel however Sam says not to post your yt vids in here (fair enough). I have summarised what I spoke about there and as a disclaimer, monk mode is so much more than "no alchohol" or "deep work". It is a whole lifestyle shift. However, as many people know, you still need to live your life. Do not think that you have to sit at your desk all day, wake up at 2 am, sleep at 6pm, gym 2x daily, etc. to be successfull with monk mode. It is about changing your lifestyle and identity, to something you are proud of. I have went very much into how to optimize your environment, talking about testosterone, success, girls, money, status, brotherhood, fun, family and everything you need to be successful in monk mode. Here is the list: Identify and cut down on 20% of bad habits causing 80% of your problems, like overeating or playing video games. (80/20 rule) Replace these habits with good ones and establish healthy routines, starting with small steps like a 5-minute meditation session. Gradually increase deep work hours and find hobbies to replace negative habits. Have a balanced diet, find healthy alternatives to carbs if needed, and fill the time previously spent on bad habits with new activities. Complete tasks, homework, or deep work before winding down for the day. Avoid activities like video games and spend time with family, friends, or nature instead. After nightly routines like hygiene and meditation, experiment with various tasks and activities to discover your purpose. (done through journalling or laying down and thinking) Prioritize personal purpose over material success. Recognize and eliminate factors contributing to poor mental health, similar to habit detoxes. If loneliness is the issue, form genuine connections with friends or join a brotherhood. (this brotherhood helps with that)