Something insane that seems insane when you think about it, no one goes outside anymore. When people want to socialise, they end up calling someone on discord or insta. When someone wants to meet new people, they use tinder. When someone is bored, they play games or scroll social media. When someone is sad they watch funny videos. The funny thing is that all of these problems, socialising, meeting new people, boredom, sadness, and many others can be cured byy going outside. Just go outside bro. When you go outside, it doesnt have to be just to go to the gym or the grocery store for meal prep. Most people only go out for these reasons. Every week, go outside, meet new people, find new places to explore, look for new restaurants and cafes you have been to before. Go to expensive looking cafes and just buy their 7$ coffee. Then go to the rich old guy in the cafe sitting down in a suit, and ask him what he would do if he was your age. Something as simple as this 1 time a week. Make a note of the advice each rich old guy gives you every week, and make it a goal to ask 52 rich old guys what they would do in your posittion every year. Most old people are friendly and willing to talk to you in a cafe. If you live somewhere far from the city, go to your local cafe or restaurant, there will still be a rich guy there. doesnt have to be old. Find someone who has your dream physique in your gym and do the same thing as what you did for the rich guys. Ask him what meals to eat, what split to do etc. he will be willing to help. if your goal is to find a girl to be your girlfriend, the go out and have fun, coz girls want fun guys, not guys who sit in their room and work on their computers all day. As much as you believe that sigma alpha grindset mode will attract girls, remove this belief. have a life where you can say, "each week i go on an adventure, go to different cafes, ride my bike through the woods, etc." this will get more girls/wisdom/expereince than any sigma alpha grindset. Experiences >>> Possessions. if you think that it would be a waste of 5 dollars to buy a coffee each week, then think of the benefit, you get advice from a rich old guy. Normally you might have to pay 100 dollars for this advice, but also, what else were you going to do with that fiver, buy vbucks? buy a chocolate bar? buy a car??, come on bro its 5 dollars a week. That only costs you 250 dollars a year to get advice from 52 old rich guys.