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6 contributions to evolve
Are you self realising?
The journey of actualisation - where we live into the fullness of our creative fire - requires growth, healing, and transcendence. It means raising our energetic state and vibration to the highest frequencies of unconditional love, limitless possibility, and soul truth. From that sacred space, we become open vessels for the creative forces of the cosmos to flow through us. In those awakened states of being, there's no ceiling on what we can manifest and bring into this realm. True creativity at the divine level means birthing ideas, realities, works of art, innovations, businesses, communities, and social transformations—anything our boundless imagination can conceive of.
New comment 25d ago
Are you self realising?
1 like • Jun 21
I believe I am a self actualizing person. As I can fulfill Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for myself.
0 likes • 25d
@Learning Ivan I appreciate this.
What does consiousness mean for you ?
"Consciousness is the basis of all life and the field of all possibilities." Maharishi Mahesh Yogi This might be a broad take from the Yogi; what does it mean for you?
New comment 3h ago
2 likes • Jun 21
To me, consciousness is everything we observe and know about (have knowledge of), everything we sense, and all frequencies and living things we don’t know about yet, which is why I love the field of expanding consciousness. There’s so much yet to discover!
Frequencies 👂🎛️
Has anyone got experience with researching or looking into frequencies to induce different mental states? I'm looking into it at the moment and would like to know if anyone else has found them useful or interesting tbh.
New comment Jun 25
Frequencies 👂🎛️
0 likes • Jun 7
I am very interested in frequencies, especially cymatics. My husband and I are songwriters and musicians, so sound healing and vibrational healing fascinate us! We have both experienced Rife healing machines, Reiki, and more.
Who is your most inspiring speaker or teacher?
There are may types of speakers and teachers that have become more popular as the world enters a higher state of consciousness. Who has inspired you on your spiritual journey? What do they teach?
New comment Jun 7
0 likes • Jun 7
My qigong master teacher, Lama Nicholas Packard was an exceptional teacher and healer of mine. I had a rare opportunity to learn from him after he returned to the US from living in Tibet for 30 years. Another was my first guru who had trained with Byron Katie. Both have now passed, but I still practice things they taught me to this day.
Books that inspire?
I was just thinking about how much my own journey has been shaped by the books I’ve read, and I wanted to know. Which books have influenced your life and why? 💡 Feel free to share how it has shaped your thoughts or actions. 💡
New comment Jun 7
0 likes • Jun 7
A favorite book of mine (and one I have purchased many copies of to give to close friends) is called, Christ in You by anonymous. It has a tone of having been written by someone who has lived before but is on the Other Side now or is perhaps an alien. There are passages that continue to expand my consciousness though I first read it over 30 years ago! I also love Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life. I love Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. I love Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books too. The more I think about this, the more books come to mind! Ha!
1-6 of 6
Sheila Murrey
2points to level up
Spiritual Advisor, Holistic Health Advocate: self-help, personal empowerment, author of 4 books, blogger, singer, and speaker. Retired IT pro.

Active 25d ago
Joined Jun 5, 2024
New Hampshire
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