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70 contributions to evolve
It can be incredibly difficult to open up when you're in pain
Agony, whether it's physical, emotional, or psychological, often acts as a barrier, making it feel like there's a wall between you and the rest of the world. The weight of it can make expressing yourself feel overwhelming or even impossible. Remember, though, that opening up doesn't have to be all at once or with everyone. It can start small, with someone you trust, or even through writing or art, where you can express your feelings without the pressure of immediate judgment or response.
New comment 5d ago
1 like • 5d
@Katie Kiss this is so true!
Dance to your tune!
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” When you start dancing to the rhythm of your growth, others who are not attuned to that beat might feel left out, confused, or even threatened. This isn’t about superiority; it’s about alignment. Not everyone is ready to hear the same music as you at the same time, and that’s perfectly natural.
Remember to pause!
When faced with uncertainty, the first and most counterintuitive step is to pause. Allow yourself to sit with it instead of rushing to resolve the discomfort. This pause can be a powerful tool, giving you the space to observe your thoughts and feelings without being swept away. In this stillness, you can begin to discern the underlying causes of your uncertainty. Pausing also allows you to step back from the immediacy of the situation and gain a broader perspective. Often, we are so caught up in the details of a decision that we lose sight of the bigger picture. When you take a moment to breathe and reflect, you can reconnect with your core values and long-term goals, which can serve as a compass during uncertain times.
Creativity is everywhere!
Creativity is often considered the domain of artists, writers, and musicians—a magical force reserved for those who produce art. However, creativity is much more universal, manifesting in nearly every aspect of our lives. It’s not confined to canvas or paper; it’s an intrinsic part of solving problems, expressing ourselves, and interacting with the world. Creativity is the invisible thread that connects and enriches everything we do, whether in science, business, everyday tasks, or personal relationships. Creativity permeates our everyday lives. It’s in how we decorate our homes, how we cook meals, and even how we manage our time. Cooking, for example, can be a profoundly creative process. It involves following a recipe, experimenting with flavours, adjusting techniques, and presenting food visually appealingly. As the chef Julia Child once said, "Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors—it’s how you combine them that sets you apart."Similarly, the way we organize our homes and personal spaces reflects our #creativity. We choose colours, arrange furniture, and add personal touches that turn a house into a home. These decisions might seem mundane, but they are expressions of our creative instincts, shaping our environment in ways that reflect our personalities and preferences. Even how we manage our daily routines can be an act of creativity. Finding a balance between #work, #family, and #personal interests requires us to allocate time and energy creatively. It involves prioritizing, adapting, and sometimes improvising—a kind of choreography that ensures all aspects of our lives are in harmony.
Creativity is everywhere!
Do you ever think of creativity as a spiritual practice?
In many traditions, creativity is seen as a divine gift, a spark of the infinite within us. The Bible, for instance, starts with creation itself: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1). This act of creation wasn’t just about bringing the world into existence; it was an expression of divine creativity—a force that we, as humans, inherit. Engaging in creative activities—whether it’s writing, painting, dancing, or even gardening—can be a form of spiritual practice. It allows us to connect with something greater than ourselves, to tap into the wellspring of inspiration that flows from the divine. This connection nurtures our soul, leading to spiritual growth.
New comment 10d ago
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Learning Ivan
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“Do something worth remembering.” Elvis Presley

Active 17h ago
Joined May 6, 2024
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