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Trainer University

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6 contributions to Trainer University
How do you stand out in a crowded Online Fitness space?
This is how I stood out when I first started 6 years ago, even though I had no followers, no money, I was 21 years old and my english was broken πŸ˜… If I can do it, you can too! πŸš€
New comment 16h ago
How do you stand out in a crowded Online Fitness space?
3 likes β€’ 3d
I love this! Thank you, i needed to hear this! I always feel my story isn't important or interesting, so I don't like talking about myself.
Brand Name
Hi everyone, I do actually have a brand name. I had spent some time brainstorming a while back and even have a website with the same name already up and running. Funnily enough it does fit the points that Fritz mentioned in his video. So, the name I chose is WildJoyCoaching I’m a holistic coach, I take mind, body and soul into account. My target audience are people who want to heal from their patterns/habits/negative spirals through coaching, yoga, nutrition. β€œWild” represents the steps through which we can become wild and free (from patterns etc) again and experience β€œJoy” in life. Although I would target anyone, my holistic coaching clients are women. I do have private clients (male) who focus on flexibility/mobility (literally just that though). So I guess, the next step for me would be to narrow down the target audience? I think because I offer so many different services, people can mix and match… which kinda takes away from the holistic approach I’d like to promote. I find it hard to narrow down my target audience because there’s no ONE goal that unites my clients, they don’t want to lose weight or get a six pack, it’s much more nuanced and individual. I’m grateful for any kind of feedback on the name and target audience and anything else pretty much. Thank you
New comment 1d ago
2 likes β€’ 3d
@April Moor June of 2022 Woohoo IIN graduate πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ’šπŸ™ŒπŸΌ
0 likes β€’ 3d
@Mei Berrit 🫢🏼
Monday Goal Setting
Happy Monday πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ’š What are y'alls goals this week? What are you working on?
New comment 5d ago
2 likes β€’ 5d
@Dorota Rozko Yes, makes sense. Sometimes it's best to just put yourself out there, even imperfect, and then make adjustments. I'm working on staying focused, ignoring the mountain, and taking it one step at a time. I get overwhelmed if I look at ALL the tasks that need to get done.
1 like β€’ 5d
@Jeovanni Perez I also run out of content ideas. ChatGPT can help you get some general ideas πŸ™‚
πŸ’ͺ Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) πŸš€
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - For fun what do you like to do? #4 - Drop a photo of your office space or where you like to do work from. I'll go first... #1: I am Fritz! Fitness & Health Coach turned Fit Pro Mentor from Germany (living in Switzerland now πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­, but I do like to travel) and I help Fit Pro's change lives & get paid! #2: Honestly I love helping Fitness Professionals - you are the people we need most in today's society. If I can help you make more money, and thus help more people, we will save more lives and make the world a healthier place. #3: Besides work - lol! I love traveling, and seeing new places. Experiencing new things and nature. #4: Below! Peep my walking pad that I do 10k steps with a day. haha! Other essentials are: Journal, Smoothie (I drink 2x a day), and Podcast Mic!
New comment 26m ago
πŸ’ͺ Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) πŸš€
0 likes β€’ 7d
@Perdip Kumar πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ«ΆπŸΌ
2 likes β€’ 6d
@April Moor I will definitely look into this! I love this idea so much!
Brand Name Ideas
Hey everyone! I want to share my ideas for my brand name - I am aiming specifically at helping executives and managers. My coaching program will concentrate on two main areas: weight loss and eliminating back pain. These are issues that not only have a clear pain point but are also increasingly prevalent among busy professionals. As someone who is also in a managerial role, I understand these challenges firsthand. - Clear Pain Point - Growing Demand - Accessible Audience - Financial Capacity Brand Name Ideas: - ManagerPeak - ManagerSculpt - LeaderShred - BossStrong - ExecuShape - EliteLean And you can combine these with Academy, Coaching or Blueprint. Do you like one of these? Do you have any suggestions for improvement or other ideas?
New comment 1d ago
3 likes β€’ 8d
I like Elite and Shred. In my mind, losing weight/getting lean sounds like a chore. But shredding sounds more of a fun challenge.
1 like β€’ 7d
@Simon Paretski Im sure your pick will be a perfect reflection of your clients and of yourself
1-6 of 6
Hello! My name is Sandra and I'm a PB Heart- Health Coach. I help people transition to a BP lifestyle so they can prevent and reverse Heart Disease πŸ’š

Active 21h ago
Joined Jun 28, 2024
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