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Created by Fritz

Trainer University

Public β€’ 61 β€’ Free

Trainer University is a community for Fitness Coaches & Trainers looking to charge $3,000+ for their programs, change lives & grow their businesses!


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9 contributions to Trainer University
Personal training virtually?
Hey all! I recently became a certified fitness coach through NASM. And I’m looking to transition from in person personal training to virtual training. After booking a client, how do you go about assessing them? I can easily build programs for them to follow. But without me being there in person, I’m not able to assess their mobility or correct form. How do you overcome this? Some of my clients would be very uncomfortable video chatting or FaceTime while at the gym. Some of them already have a little bit of that gym anxiety in general.
New comment 14h ago
0 likes β€’ 14h
Hey @Dara King quick feedback here: 1. you can assess mobility with form videos or live workouts, that is the only way 2. for some people it is awkward to record themselves in the gym, but a lot of people actually do it You will never know 100% if they're doing it correctly, but with proper form videos and coaching you'll do your best!
πŸ’ͺ Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) πŸš€
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - For fun what do you like to do? #4 - Drop a photo of your office space or where you like to do work from. I'll go first... #1: I am Fritz! Fitness & Health Coach turned Fit Pro Mentor from Germany (living in Switzerland now πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­, but I do like to travel) and I help Fit Pro's change lives & get paid! #2: Honestly I love helping Fitness Professionals - you are the people we need most in today's society. If I can help you make more money, and thus help more people, we will save more lives and make the world a healthier place. #3: Besides work - lol! I love traveling, and seeing new places. Experiencing new things and nature. #4: Below! Peep my walking pad that I do 10k steps with a day. haha! Other essentials are: Journal, Smoothie (I drink 2x a day), and Podcast Mic!
New comment 1h ago
πŸ’ͺ Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) πŸš€
1 like β€’ 1d
@Alessandra Cardin trust me I will! :D
0 likes β€’ 17h
@Mikus Cimdins welcome! Lets get it!!
What are your programmes like?
Hi everyone, Maybe some of you do have Programme packages up and running. I’d be very happy to hear about your experiences. I have not set up any kind of Programme package yet but I’m very intrigued. I see a lot of β€œ1 year containers” being sold in the holistic/spiritual mental health and general wellness space. But what could these packages entail? Potentially: - Weekly or biweekly calls - Availability via WhatsApp in case of struggles between calls - Specific topics in the form of journal prompts etc Feel free to share your thoughts. Very grateful for your feedback
New comment 2d ago
2 likes β€’ 2d
@Mei Berrit will post a video on this! Valid question. Main hack: get yourself a third party app like Trainerize or Everfit to host your clients, makes everything easier
How do you stand out in a crowded Online Fitness space?
This is how I stood out when I first started 6 years ago, even though I had no followers, no money, I was 21 years old and my english was broken πŸ˜… If I can do it, you can too! πŸš€
New comment 17h ago
How do you stand out in a crowded Online Fitness space?
2 likes β€’ 3d
@Mei Berrit its in the 14-day challenge correct, but I'll make more videos on here in the community!
0 likes β€’ 2d
@Dorota Rozko thanks Dorota! Exactly - in the end its all about creation! Because creation will alleviate all pain and struggle
Authenticity aka the unique you
How do y’all manage to bring your very own unique voice to the online space? Although I have great ideas and things to say, I often feel it’s been said already by like a gazillion people. Happy to hear your feedback on this ❀️
New comment 6h ago
5 likes β€’ 4d
I can relate to this question a lot, I started my content posting journey 6 years ago in a crowded fitness market, many times I questioned myself and if I had to say anything special. Here is how I overcame it: there is only one you on this planet. Only one unique Mei with all you've been through, all you've learned, and all the experience you have gained. You're a Yoga Expert and Life Coach with a Psychology Degree, that is such an incredible combination! If you now weave in your own personal story, and stay consistent, you will grow an audience of real fans and followers. Sure, there is always the bigger Yoga Influencer, just like for me there were much bigger accounts and quite a few of them - but more doesn't always mean better, I found people who have a lot of followers are quite far away from reality, and that can be your strength. You need to play the strength of being the "smaller" influencer, and people will love to connect with someone real that can help them. What you have to say is special, just because it comes from you :)
1-9 of 9
I went from chubby to fit, then built a 7-figure fitness program helping people lose weight, and now I help Coaches do the same. Based in πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­

Active 4h ago
Joined Jun 21, 2024
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