Breakthough! (Update + Take-aways)
I don't think I've ever had a cold quite like this before in my life. It's been going on for about six weeks now if I'm not mistaken. Technically, I still have it, but I found a huge breakthrough. A two minute cold shower. Directly after rising and drinking water. I know, I know, sounds terrible and miserable. The first time I heard about it,I decided to give a try and "Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes!" I promptly decided they were NOT FOR ME. But then fast forward a few years and upon hearing about all the various health benefits over and over again, I decided to give it another go. This time, a lot more carefully and gradually instead of just dialing it directly to cold and waiting for impact. Instead, I simply oscillated back and forth, just slightly beyond my comfort range. That got me to taking hot, then cold showers much more quickly than I anticipated, and I had an epiphany: It is not the cold shower itself that is miserable, or hard, or terrible -- It is the anticipation. Once I relaxed into it and started paying attention to actual how I actually felt, I realized I didn't actually hurt very much at all. I just thought it would. Now, perhaps you're thinking... "That's crazy. There's no way that would actually be true for me. He's just some tough Alaskan dude." I assure you, this is not the case. I was raised very sedentary and not so very adventurous. Moving to Alaska was a "jump off the cliff", so to speak. I'm not "naturally" brave or anything like that. But you can get their by choice. By choice, and by deliberate practice. The key is to work into it gradually, just going ever so slightly beyond your comfort zone with each step. Now, I can jump straight into a cold shower. Now, I am jumping out of the realm of barely surviving, to that of being able to get two steps ahead of the game. (Or more accurately, able to catch up, two and three steps faster per-day than I would be able to otherwise 😅) --- What can I learn from this? - Next time you find yourself stuck, find a way to ease into it, a way to break it down into small chunks. Gain some leverage by hiring a coach, or by bouncing your ideas off someone else, for feedback and a third perspective.