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The 'M's of the Day: Muddled, Momentum, and Motivation
The opposite of clarity is muddled. It is what happens when you overthink things. It is what happens when you are surrounded in clutter. It is what happens when You are surrounded by people that are not where you want to be and drag you down. Momentum plays a crucial role in goal achievement for several reasons: 1. It keeps you moving in the right direction 2. It helps you achieve milestones along the way 3. It helps you feel like you're making progress Creating Momentum To build initial momentum toward your goals: Build a system for keeping track of what you're doing each day towards your goals. It's okay to skip once, (Everyone needs flexibility in life.) But make it an rule to never skip two days in a row. Creating Motivation Motivation follows action. Anytime you have a chance, Favor action. Do not wait for motivation. Motivation will come. Act on your values. Not passing feelings. (Not to say that feelings don't matter, but that is another conversation. ;) Make a Clear Plan Clarity is intrinsically tied to motivation. Without a clear objective, it's tough to stay motivated. Take time to: - Reflect on and interrogate your proposed objectives - Visualize the road ahead and ultimate prize - Break down your goal into bite-sized chunks - Identify potential challenges and how to overcome them Set SMARTER Goals Your goals should be: - Specific - Measurable - Achievable - Relevant - Time-bound - Evaluated regularly - Reviewed and adjusted as needed Take Consistent Action - Schedule dedicated time to work on your goal - Do something every day, even if it's small - Focus on frequency over quantity Sustaining Momentum Once you've built initial momentum, here's how to keep it going: Remember Your "Why" Draw from your original passion and commitment. Ask yourself: - What do I want? - Why do I want it? - Who does it benefit? Track Your Progress Use a system that works for you, like: - Checklists in a planner - Whiteboard tracking - Regular check-ins with an accountability partner
New comment 19h ago
Monday motivation
Every Monday is a chance to start a new fabulous week. Wish you a great week✨✨ -Unknown-
New comment 3d ago
Almost back firing on all thrusters soon!
This bug has pinned me down under the weather far longer than any other I've had for years. My apologies for the radio silence! I'm excited for whats ahead, and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you. Stay Tuned :)
New comment 7d ago
Almost back firing on all thrusters soon!
Thanks for joining our group. Get ready to get clarity and time on your side. Introduce yourselves here! Awards for those who bravely introduce themselves with video 🏆
Complete action
New comment 7d ago
Do ONE THING and do it WELL
I have oftentimes underestimated my capacity for handling multiple tasks. Turns out, humans actually can't - the closest We can get is to very quickly switch between tasks. But this quick task switching has a high cost. 1. Prioritize Ruthlessly Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks. Focus on important and urgent tasks first. Consider delegating or eliminating low-impact activities to free up mental space. 2. Embrace Single-Tasking Multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40%. Instead, dive deep into one task at a time. If you like, you can use a tool like the Pomodoro Technique, which suggests 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. 3. Create a 'Not-To-Do' List Identify and list activities that drain your energy without providing value. Commit to avoiding these tasks. While the exact time savings will vary, this practice can free up significant time in your workday for more important pursuits.
New comment 7d ago
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