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Anxiety-Free Alliance

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8 contributions to Anxiety-Free Alliance
Moving Help
hey y’all, hope all is well.. for those who don’t know I struggle with leaving home but being home doesn’t help feel better .. so we found a place to move to .. I had to sit in a car for 3hours .. longest I’ve been out my house since I don’t even know when… & then picked up the keys to the new place.. the 2nd time in the car was much better than day 1 .. thing is I have no money or real help to move .. with “brain fog” it’s like I can’t even wrap my mind on how to keep moving forward physically, mentally, emotionally & financially lol I managed to show my smaller children the place today & waited for the internet to be installed whole time symptoms were so high. Thankfully I don’t have furniture to move just a really big tv, 2 ac’s & bags of clothes .. all I did was go to the place & I feel so toasty tired .. like if I had run a marathon. I don’t even know how imma get through this but I trust God always makes a way. Thanks for listening..🩷
New comment 18d ago
1 like • 22d
You did awesome just keep moving forward! God has plans for you and he's not finished. Psamn 34;4 I sought the Lord he answered me he delivered Me from all my fears.
Does the anxiety free tea help with depression? I feel really low right now along with the panick attacks.I tried zoloft for one night those side effects scared me enough. So I stopped taking that just hopeful for change soon.
New comment 29d ago
0 likes • Aug 3
awesome starting the anxiety free tea today!
1 like • 29d
better I think my anxiety is due more too poor attention adhd which being spacy turns into depersonalization derealization as it makes me more anxious. Than it's like the ocd kicks in my mind obssesses over somethings wrong with me than I panick. A lot of times It's like my mind feels over stimulated yet like it's shutting down. I might try the clari tea too
encouraging word
From Jeremiah 17 "But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green" Reading scripture I felt these words" It does not fear when the heat comes its leaves are always green." God will provide for us even with the heat of anxiety. Cause anxiety doesn't identify who we are. In the end we are children of God through baptism. For God created us in his image and likeness. Jesus loves us, and knows us better than we do ourselves.So if you feel a wave of anxiety coming, soak in God's mercy in the water by the tree. There he will fill us with peace by being in his presence, and knowing that he will take care of it for us . Another line from scripture I use during panick attacks. Psalm 46; 10 "Be still and know that I am God". God bless yall in yalls healing!
New comment Aug 2
anxiety free tea with medication
Can you take the anxiety free tea with an antidepressant?
New comment Jul 26
1 like • Jul 26
ok thanks!
0 likes • Jul 26
yeah lol I live close to New Orleans in Louisiana
Tense shoulders
My shoulders are sooo tense daily ! I’m starting to realize all my muscles in my shoulders starting to hurt a lot and idk why I’m soo tense all the time 😩😩 Can anyone relate ?
New comment Jul 22
0 likes • Jul 22
Yeah I tense up often I have to keep cracking my neck too. Getting massages could help some from a licensed massage therapist for the tension. I get it in my back on the left side I'm like is this my heart but it feels muscular.
1-8 of 8
Ryan Schoenberger
40points to level up
My names Ryan and I struggle with an anxiety disorder. I'm hoping the anxiety free tea helps in healing it.

Active 6d ago
Joined Jul 13, 2024
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