Moving Help
hey y’all, hope all is well.. for those who don’t know I struggle with leaving home but being home doesn’t help feel better .. so we found a place to move to .. I had to sit in a car for 3hours .. longest I’ve been out my house since I don’t even know when… & then picked up the keys to the new place.. the 2nd time in the car was much better than day 1 ..
thing is I have no money or real help to move .. with “brain fog” it’s like I can’t even wrap my mind on how to keep moving forward physically, mentally, emotionally & financially lol
I managed to show my smaller children the place today & waited for the internet to be installed whole time symptoms were so high. Thankfully I don’t have furniture to move just a really big tv, 2 ac’s & bags of clothes .. all I did was go to the place & I feel so toasty tired .. like if I had run a marathon.
I don’t even know how imma get through this but I trust God always makes a way.
Thanks for listening..🩷
Carmen Serrano
Moving Help
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