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Skool Community

Public • 133.6k • Paid

TFD High Performance Group

Private • 566 • Free


Private • 205 • $49/m

The Aspinall Way

Private • 113 • $31/m

Men of Action Forum

Public • 1.9k • Free

The Wing Chun Family

Private • 8.6k • Free

Fundwise (Free)

Private • 2.1k • Free

Winners Academy (FREE)

Private • 16 • Free

103 contributions to Skool Community
Got my first paying member!
I feel like this is a historic moment!! 🎊 I launched yesterday and I LOVED getting the Skool email telling me someone signed up for my community!! Can't wait for many MANY more. Woot! Woot!! Do you remember the feeling you had when your FIRST paid member joined your community? Tell us about it, please. 😁
New comment 1d ago
Got my first paying member!
1 like • 3d
Congrats and so encouraging to me.
I Analysed The Top 30 Communities About Pages ... this is what I found 😀
I wanted to see what's working, why, take what's useful, discard what's not (and add something uniquely my own) Free vs Paid Communities - Free communities: 8 (27.6%) - Paid communities: 21 (72.4%) Average Cost Per Month - $51.80/mo Niche Breakdown Business: 10 (34.5%) Finance: 4 (13.8%) Fitness: 3 (10.3%) Sport: 3 (10.3%) Spiritual: 2 (6.9%) Fashion: 2 (6.9%) Education: 1 (3.4%) Video Editing: 1 (3.4%) VSL Analysis Out of the 29 communities listed: - Communities with a VSL: 11 - Total Communities: 29 For communities with a VSL: - Average length: 7 minutes 31 seconds Average Number of Images - 2.5 images Average Character Description Length - 1,087 characters Key Insights - The majority (72.4%) of communities are paid, suggesting a trend towards monetization in community building. - Business-focused communities are the most common, making up over a third of the sample. - Not all communities use video sales letters (VSLs) or images in their marketing, but those that do tend to have relatively short videos (average under 8 minutes) and a moderate number of images. - Description lengths vary widely, but average around 1,000 characters, indicating that most communities provide a substantial amount of information about what's inside. - Some niches, like Business and Finance, seem more likely to have paid communities, while others like Video Editing and Spiritual topics have more free options If anyone would like the entire breakdown of each community, let me know - I have it in a Google Sheet 🙂
New comment 4d ago
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@Nick Maier this is super interesting and I would love to see what you put together
0 likes • 4d
@Nick Maier thank you. That's a lot of work.
Up, Up and Away!
Boarding the flight now. Layover in ATL. Then 5:55pm flight to LA.
New comment 3d ago
Up, Up and Away!
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@Dr. Stephen Buscema 😢 My heart goes out with you. Not sure what I can do here other than say I see you. As for being active, if I may share my own experiences, until I ruptured my achilles tendon I was running jumping and all. Then during a sprint - I came crashing down. It made me sad. Depressed. And fatter. I let this go on for too long until I decided I needed to figure out what I can do. I found MMA and it helped me develop myself while considering the leg. You have found meaning in Skool and are super engaging and alive here for many. It's not physical activity - yet, this is your story and this is needed by many.
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@Dr. Stephen Buscema thank you for your kind words. Yes, achilles ruptured is really bad and painful. And it took me out physically and even more so mentally. But alas, I pushed and I pushed and what's wild is that the very same foot is actually way stronger in my kicks than the good foot. 😂 Go figure that one out. Still rehabing it and it will get better. Take care of that knee and more so your mentality. I know it doesn't need to be said and I find it, at times, silly to say it - and yet...
He made 230k in 30 Days but…
I watched a video from one of my favourite mentors Yasin and he set himself a challenge to generate 300k for his business in 30 Days. He shared how stressed he was and the level of procrastination he went through. He also said he doesn’t plan on documenting a challenge like this again because he feels like it made him less productive. After 30 Days he made 230k and even when he made the first 100k he was unhappy. I was watching the video thinking to myself “230 F******* Thousand! It took me a decade to even get close to that! The level of self sabotage was very high and I thought to myself WHY? That’s still a lot of money. EDITED** I watched the short version of the video so after watching the full video he mentioned that it being public was the thing that confronted him the most and didn’t help him to enjoy the win. I just salute anyone who participated in any of the Skool games because I can imagine it might be similar for you if you fight for top 10 then just miss it by a couple thousand etc. I am writing this because I just dived into a book this week called “the mountain is you” and it has some great insights in it. We need to feel good in ourselves so that even if we don’t meet the metrics we set ourselves we can still enjoy the process and be proud we even tried. I don’t know if someone tried going for the games and lost or someone tried a sales call this week and it went badly but listen you showed up and did better than you did if you didn’t even try.
New comment 4d ago
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That's impressive. The progress and the work to make it is huge. And to challenge yourself like that is impressive.
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I would also be curious to know what exactly he did.
Good Community V.S. Great Community
What do you think is the main difference between good v.s. great communities? Based on my experience after launching 20 communities in the last 60 days the #1 key differentiator is the mindset. Mindset. Boohoo (go away) But hear this out. What’s the difference between good vs great restaurants? Good restaurants think they are in the business of food. They hire great chefs, perfect the food, that’s pretty much it. Great restaurants know they are in the business of experience. They focus on the way the client gets their invitation, the way they get greeted, how the menu is presented, how the butler meets them, and so on. It’s like a game that the client enjoys playing and get’s constant dopamine hits from. The same idea I have observed applies to communities. You’re in the business of experience not just information. Even this message was an experience. I could write everything in one paragraph and make the experience overwhelming. I could write this in a style of “expert view” and make your guards come up, but I wrote this in a style of “here’s my experience” making you connect with the message. Do you get it? Great. … Once you shift your mindset from being in the info space to experience space, you start seeing: - People consuming your content more - People being more active - People referring to more people - People staying for longer Experience. What do you think is the main difference between good v.s. great communities?
New comment 4d ago
Good Community V.S. Great Community
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@Thomas Jordan good point. While we are both in similar Skool and the one our friend made is cool and excited to see what's coming - I have yet to find one that catches me and helps me for success in what I am looking for. But there is one that was posted here in the making money niche that seems to have a super active community.
1 like • 4d
@Thomas Jordan send it my way and I know we need to set up a call this week too.
1-10 of 103
Roey Naim
1,454points to level up
Wisdom. Love. Passion. I want people to remember the song of their soul in order to live their best lives.

Active 1d ago
Joined Jan 21, 2024
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