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Skool Community

Public โ€ข 133k โ€ข Paid

High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Public โ€ข 12.3k โ€ข Free

Bulletproof Body Club

Public โ€ข 85 โ€ข Free

High-Ticket Skool Accelerator

Private โ€ข 190 โ€ข Free

Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private โ€ข 68.9k โ€ข Free (FREE)

Public โ€ข 6.1k โ€ข Free

Sell Journals & More On Amazon

Public โ€ข 2.3k โ€ข Free

Online Business Friends

Private โ€ข 28.3k โ€ข Free

21 contributions to (FREE)
This is the microphone I use (it's really good!) example:
New comment 7d ago
This is the microphone I use (it's really good!)
2 likes โ€ข 22d
I use the DJI Mic 2 (but put the mic inside the shirt so only the small magnet shows on the outside of my shirt). Works with everything. But is also more expensive. But Iโ€™ve seen you use that one and it doesnโ€™t sound bad, and is definitely a lot smaller.
Help! Trying to pick my new Skool name :)
Which name sticks out to you guys? - Storytellers (I'm currently a Hollywood screenwriter and novelist, which is one of the reasons I am thinking Storytellers, though it doesn't have anything to do with screenwriting or writing a novel, but more about the story we're living and if it's the right story, etc.) - The Millionaire Mindset - The Six-Figure Mindset (I am real big on mindset, and I think the previous two focus on that mindset, making sure we don't think small, but big, because what we think about affects our behavior) - Impact Is Your Purpose (I believe every person and business should exist to make a positive impact, and for me, that's what drives me... I don't want to do something just for money) (for entrepreneurs who want to make positive impact and change lives with their business) This is my work-in-progress possible offer (and just some thoughts I'm asking that won't necessarily be in the offer or about page), which may help with choosing a name: STORYTELLERS (as an example for my Skool name): - Have a healthy mindset to 100x your life - Defeat procrastination and self-doubt and all resistance (read the The War of Art book) so you can achieve the impossible, or at least what our limited thinking (mind) deems impossible. - Break your negative self-created cycles, or taught by our family/friends/society - 100x your business so you can make an even bigger impact in the world, while also making an amazing income. - Tell your own story, donโ€™t let others tell your story for you Your parents, your friends, society, etc. - Be the hero of your own story while helping others become the heroes of theirย own stories, and together we make a greater impact for good - Whatโ€™s your hook? - What do you want your own lifeโ€™s logline to be? In other words, if your life were a movie, what would the logline be? - Your logline is your roadmap to your life - If what youโ€™re doing doesnโ€™t fit the logline of your life, should you be doing it?
4 members have voted
New comment Aug 7
1 like โ€ข Aug 7
@Fabian Markl holistic - concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts
1 like โ€ข Aug 7
@Fabian Markl I'm still working on the offer, but one thing I'll be doing that other's don't is bringing in people my members can learn from - people like Andy Elliot - and who they can ask questions from vs me just doing a straight Q&A. I used to do that as a screenwriter. But I'll also be doing deep dives on books and bringing in the authors (kind of like a book club). Stuff like that.
Want to create your own Skool community for free?
If you haven't started a Skool community yet, I'm going to cover the cost ($99) of your first month + host a super small workshop (5 people MAX) to build yours with you live on Zoom in real time. Comment SKOOL below if you're interested in building you Skool community with me. NOTE: Because I'll be covering the $99 for your community's first month, I'm only accepting people who show major potential, and who plan to be on the platform for a long time. If you think that's you, and you want to build your community with me, do this: Comment "SKOOL" below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป Mention what you want to help people with in your community ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป Drop a link (or 2) to your social media so I can check out your content & audience size ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป I'll DM you details if I think you'd be a good fit. ๐Ÿฅ‚
New comment 6d ago
2 likes โ€ข Jul 31
@Flinn Roth how are you building your following? And I don't think it's just about your follower count but about the content you're uploading, the effort you're putting in to grow a following/audience. None of us have a following when we're first starting, but in order to build a following we have to post.
1 like โ€ข Aug 2
@Christian Carrasco a little of both
August 2024 Mastermind Location
Where should we do it? May: California June: Vancouver July: Vegas August: You pick
New comment Aug 5
August 2024 Mastermind Location
2 likes โ€ข Aug 1
Denver lol
Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With
Reposting from the Skool Community, BUT I found this video by Will Smith for the first time. Over 6 years old but this will always be super relevant to the life you want to live... one of the most important decisions we'll ever make are the friends we choose to be in our circle. As Will says, they can truly make or break our future. One great thing about Skool and what Sam Ovens created is the ability to be around other winners, around people who have big dreams and big visions, who are committed to excellence and to helping people, who are determined to grow and be the best versions of themselves while growing big businesses that actually make an impact in people's lives. Of course hanging out online with these amazing people isn't enough, we also need our IRL friends to be people who make us better, who challenge us, who support us, who don't try to talk us out of our dreams (as good intentioned as they are), and of course we do the same for them. I am still looking for my in person tribe after moving back to Denver, but super thankful for all you amazing people I have and am connecting with. May you ALL reach your dreams, may you ALL make amazing impact, may you ALL find and live the most beautiful, fulfilling, amazing, and impactful life.
New comment Aug 1
Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With
1 like โ€ข Aug 1
@Mark Hopkins awww :)
1 like โ€ข Aug 1
@Mark Hopkins itโ€™s a great starting point!
1-10 of 21
Rick McGovern
49points to level up
Hollywood screenwriter transitioning to YouTube, a novelist, self-development, and public speaking. I want to make the world a better place.

Active 50m ago
Joined May 29, 2024
Los Angeles/Denver
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