Jul 31 (edited) in General
Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With
Reposting from the Skool Community, BUT I found this video by Will Smith for the first time. Over 6 years old but this will always be super relevant to the life you want to live... one of the most important decisions we'll ever make are the friends we choose to be in our circle.
As Will says, they can truly make or break our future.
One great thing about Skool and what Sam Ovens created is the ability to be around other winners, around people who have big dreams and big visions, who are committed to excellence and to helping people, who are determined to grow and be the best versions of themselves while growing big businesses that actually make an impact in people's lives.
Of course hanging out online with these amazing people isn't enough, we also need our IRL friends to be people who make us better, who challenge us, who support us, who don't try to talk us out of our dreams (as good intentioned as they are), and of course we do the same for them.
I am still looking for my in person tribe after moving back to Denver, but super thankful for all you amazing people I have and am connecting with.
May you ALL reach your dreams, may you ALL make amazing impact, may you ALL find and live the most beautiful, fulfilling, amazing, and impactful life.
Rick McGovern
Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With
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