Want to create your own Skool community for free?
If you haven't started a Skool community yet, I'm going to cover the cost ($99) of your first month + host a super small workshop (5 people MAX) to build yours with you live on Zoom in real time.
Comment SKOOL below if you're interested in building you Skool community with me.
NOTE: Because I'll be covering the $99 for your community's first month, I'm only accepting people who show major potential, and who plan to be on the platform for a long time.
If you think that's you, and you want to build your community with me, do this:
Comment "SKOOL" below 👇🏻
Mention what you want to help people with in your community 👇🏻
Drop a link (or 2) to your social media so I can check out your content & audience size 👇🏻
I'll DM you details if I think you'd be a good fit.
Ted Carr
Want to create your own Skool community for free?
Contentpreneurship.com (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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