I just finished a 15minute core strength class on my Peloton APP, which is my daily go to app! The app even has a feature that allows me to track my outdoor walks. Which I have committed to going for a beach walk 5x per week, Monday to Friday for an hour! It's the perfect way for me to start the morning, out in nature, feeling accomplished from walking with my 20lb weighted vest, bare feet on the beach. If you are intrigued by the weighted vest, I do not recommend starting off with 20lbs if you are a newbie, but they do come in 6lbs, 8lbs, and 12lbs. My Pink Weight Vest Click Here My Tactical Weight Vest with removable plates(see below photo) Click Here For those interested in the Peloton App, Click Here for Peloton 60 day Free Guest Pass My belief is that even if I do not get time to workout later, I have at least crushed a weighed walk in the wee hours of the morning! let us know what you did for your workout today!! Comment below!