Lack of patience is WAY more of an issue for people than lack of know how when it comes to getting noteworthy results in the body transformation department. We live in a microwave society where we have all become spoiled and feel entitled to things we don’t always deserve in a timeframe that isn’t always feasible. When it comes to fat-loss (and muscle gain for you hard gainers), the PROCESS is simple, it’s just not easy. And regardless of what you feel about your own particular set of circumstances (whether we’re talking about your genes or what’s going on in your life), your results/outcomes will always reveal the truth about how you’re operating day to day within your process. So remember, have faith in your process, and live it on a consistent basis. Face one goal specific decision at a time, make the right choice, and demand an high standard of excellence from yourself. Over time, when you DESERVE the results, they will appear. Here’s a great example of one of my clients who shouldered the responsibility of his own transformation, lived the process through and through, and has been steadily reaping the benefits of it… Show up for your goals every day, and the ideal outcomes WILL reveal themselves! ————————— Make sure to check in below with todays workout and diet progress…