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Digital Profit Queens

Public • 42 • $197/m

78 contributions to Digital Profit Queens
Friday WINS!!!!!
Friday means it’s time to celebrate WINS! Nothing is too small, even the simplest mindset shift can be the biggest thing to celebrate! My win is having FUN with social media again! Truly SO MUCH FUN vs feeling overwhelmed and I don’t even care what the vanity metrics are bc I know WHAT I’m putting out is exactly FOR my ready-to-buy dream client! I also put out a FIRE live class and continuous audio lessons to help many of YOU (including my first YouTube in over 2 years!) You know you’re at a place of abundance when you enjoy your client’s wins even more than your own and I’m so grateful for my positive spirit. I had major things this week that could have knocked me down in my business, but I know God is always working all things for good and I’m continuously growing into the best leader I can be! Progress > Perfection Now what about YOU??? I am absolutely JAZZED to hear YOUR wins! Celebrate big bc the energy this week has been 💫💫💫
New comment Jun 15
Friday WINS!!!!!
2 likes • Jun 14
2 reels that I feel are authoritative and have managed to exercise and keep nutrition in check despite a very busy work week and kiddos home for summer Here’s mine for the day
Monday June 10 Goals + Engagement
Happy Monday, Ladies! I hope everyone had a restful weekend and is excited about the week ahead! TOMORROW is LIVE CLASS - we will be discussing the DONE + DESIRABLE METHOD (bc you cannot convince people who aren't READY, but you can position your content for them ONCE THEY ARE!) as well as how to properly market MULTIPLE offers (I know some of you have been struggling with this and it's been a past struggle of mine, also!) Now for a little tough love accountability, the public feedback love on each other's posts has REALLY dropped. We are all here trying to HELP each other, so make sure you're giving your part vs just aiming to receive. With more of this vibe, we can help each other even more. Or would you rather the daily engagement thread posts go away? I'm always here to listen. Now for this week's goals, what are YOU aiming to DO this week? Even if it's just a mindset reframe. For instance if you think "I'm just stuck with my business or stuck with my content", do you think the thought of saying and believing STUCK will really help you make forward progress? If you need a break, a rest or some time to brainstorm to make sure all that you're doing is exactly what feels like a FULL BODY 10, do that! But to go into "I'm STUCK" mentality and behavior is exactly what makes people fall off - I unfortunately have seen it so much with as a prime example. My goal is to keep delivering incredible $20K in 20 Day Audio Lessons, a FIRE live class tomorrow, film week 2 with my rockstar ladies in the Wealth Creator College and film a new podcast, get my daily workouts and devotionals in, serve my family and clients with supportive energy, record a new (even better than my first attempt!) welcome video for app 2.0, bomb email newsletters and new welcome videos for both Digital Profit Queens and Wealth Creator College - best part is I'm abundant as can be and energetic to do it all! (Taking the weekends to unplug and rest and nap has been crucial for me!). STAYING IN MY LANE VS WASTING TIME CONSUMING OTHER CONTENT!
New comment Jun 12
Monday June 10 Goals + Engagement
0 likes • Jun 10 Put this out today. Honestly my month has been so full and will be for the rest of the month, so right now I am just trying to create enough to stay consistent so I can make it to July and still manage to workout/eat properly
Friday June 7 Engagement Thread Post!
Drop the link from TODAY’s post below ( but ONLY if you comment on the others that were shared!) Give public engagement love and then honest helpful feedback in here!!!
New comment Jun 7
1 like • Jun 7
@Hallie Lucero I love this! You don’t typically think of this when you think of welding. I think this post is awesome. Maybe add something like “what do you see us building your family”
1 like • Jun 7
@Shalynn Etchart I loved how personal this was!
Thursday June 6 Engagement!
Thank you ladies for honest feedback on my question yesterday! I’m doing some evaluation of some extras vs just continuing to add everything in, which can keep entry price even lower than in is. Your honesty helps me so much (and I encourage same types of questions and polls to your audience) when you need some market research feedback! Here is today’s engagement thread post! Make sure to share your link from today’s post and give engagement love on the others and honest feedback in here! Day 8 audio challenge will be dropped after lunch time!
New comment Jun 11
5 likes • Jun 6
Well I have been out of the loop but I am back so just jumping back in.
Tuesday May 28 Engagement, Goals + Announcements!
Happy Tuesday, ladies! Who is ready for me to drop Day 1 of the $20K in 20 Days Challenge in here soon!? Before then, let's make THIS today's Engagement Thread Post. Share the link of your newest reel or public feed post/carousel below. Be sure to give engagement love to the others as well as honest feedback! Since it was a long weekend, we will make TODAY the goal setting day. What realistic goals do YOU have for the week? Mine is to lead this audio challenge in a way that makes something really click or light up inside of you. It's my first time to be diving deeper into wealth mindset Biblically ALONG with social/business strategy at the same time. I'm so pumped for everything I have laid out (and proud of myself for having all 20 days laid out before this starts, so I just have to record daily along the way!) Now what about YOU? You can also share your current or new pains/struggles that you're experiencing with your content strategy/online business as you've been growing with me. I love getting this feedback to make sure the new content and leadership/educational resources I provide the group with continues to help the growth journey. Because remember, this is ultimately self-development with public sharing + money attached!!! Proverbs 3:13-15: "Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her." Excited to have you ladies as we kick it up a notch the next 20 days, continuously growing into the HER that Christ has designed for each of us to become. Those desires about growing, creating more impact and income and showing up publicly to serve others is not placed on your heart by accident! God is behind each and every desire and when you yearn for it so deeply WITH him as the center, that just means there's a future version of you who has ALREADY accomplished it. Keep going! I'm rooting for you!
New comment May 30
3 likes • May 28
1-10 of 78
Empowerment coach with Creator and Author of Spiritual Sweat Fitness Devotional

Active 37d ago
Joined Mar 19, 2024
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