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September Live Class is happening in 6 days
My private podcast for my VIP only just went out. Felt safe to share in here, too.
New comment 20h ago
End of Week Guidance!
Ok here’s a little recap and instead of adding in end of week sales guidance yet, I think I need to hit home a little harder on this! It’s hard to keep a good mindset when your reach or engagement plummets but can someone back me up on this??? Who else used to feel trapped to vanity metrics and has found freedom on creation? IT IS SUCH A MINDSET SHIFT! Here’s my coaching video for y’all that I just did!
New comment 23h ago
End of Week Guidance!
Tuesday September 10 Engagement + My Own Vulnerability!
Happy Tuesday, Ladies! Today is my biggest workday of the entire week. It's the day I can quietly be behind the grind for the most amount of time, which is also the day I take off of instagram stories for a reset. I highly encourage a day of the week like this if you think it would benefit you, too! I want to lean on this group for the benefit of small community support for myself, something I don't do regularly. But, I believe in leading with vulnerability. This morning is hard for me as a leader for 2 reasons: 1) I'm having to hand out multiple strikes within my own company which is never fun, but I know it's my responsibility to hold true to the policies we have set for the integrity of our business, the leaders within and our community. 2) This morning something was posted that really makes me have to stand so strong not only in my own wealth mindset, but also knowing and being comfortable with the fact that I will trigger people. This one hit hard because it's someone I love, respect and is my elder, so I guess it naturally has me feeling a little yucky, but I'm reminded that being a disruptor of business owner's mindset isn't for the weak of heart. I think hearing @Dusty Wehmeyer tell me at our podcast that I triggered her and she had to mute me was a huge blessing for the impact I'm trying to make, but now I realize it was EASY to hear after she became a successful client. Thank you Dusty for your honesty with me so I could truly learn how I have to trigger people first before change can happen. The issue this morning is me realizing how much I've triggered someone, but it's fresh and brand new vs after the beauty that comes on the other side. I went back to scripture even to verify that encouraging mindset shifts and triggering people isn't a bad thing (yes, I went there for my own sake to validate that all that I'm living and sharing is righteous) and this is what I found that helped me and I'd like to share in case it helps you, too.
New comment 7d ago
Tuesday September 10 Engagement + My Own Vulnerability!
Wrapping up a MAJOR week!
Ladies, we are all wrapping up a MAJOR week! I am so proud of so many of you and hope you feel this way about yourselves! Thanks for honest feedback on this 30 day challenge. One more question for buyer phase, would you rather me ask the question of what each of you think each post guidance matches in terms of buyer phase? Or would you prefer me just list this with each day up front? I am going to get ahead of y’all a full day in this challenge over the weekend to help alleviate any confusion. This way you have a true post visual in addition to the plug and play guidance I’m giving in here. I noticed today was a little harder for some to grasp, so I’ll get a little ahead this weekend to better help us next week! Would this be of better help? Next Tuesday is LIVE CLASS! I know it can feel like a lot right now with 30 day challenge, but all of this is only meant to help you. You don’t have to post every day and you can always watch a class replay. Please don’t let seasons that have more education happening at certain times in this group suffocate you. Remember this is such a journey and process! Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither were you or your businesses! Get some much deserved rest and relaxation this weekend!
New comment Aug 18
Wrapping up a MAJOR week!
Mon. Aug. 12: What to Expect in the 30 Day Done-For-You Challenge
Happy Monday, Ladies! Today is officially day 1 of our 30 day challenge! I will be delivering your daily done-for-you content every day between 11am-12pm CST. Skool doesn't allow scheduled posts, so this is the time frame that I can best guarantee to keep the same time frame of delivery for you ladies. This time also allows you to either work on your upcoming posts during lunch break, you can set afternoon or evening time, or even the following morning to get your day's content out. So it's very realistic that you may make your day 1 post either today or tomorrow, as I want this to also be an educational time period where you learn along the way. You'll notice me even asking some questions when I deliver your templates to make sure you're understanding as you go. Even though I'm leading the way for you and sharing my exact strategy for 30 days, you will still have to set aside time to put your content together, fill in the blanks, edit your reels, possibly film some new videos, etc., so I want you to be aware of this and plan for this. Before we kick off on Day 1, this is CRUCIAL for you to have written down as guidance for your 30 day posts: YOUR BRAND VOICE and YOUR DREAM CLIENT. What are the key components about your business and/or your story that you use in your brand voice? For instance, mine are wealth mindset, social strategy, inner belief system, etc. What do you know about your dream client? There is no right or wrong and you may gain some continued clarity in this throughout the next 30 days. But you need to know what desirable outcomes or what ambitious goals your dream client has that you help provide. What are her fears (both conscious and subconscious)? What does her life look like NOW vs AFTER doing business with you? What do you add to her life, how do you make it easier, etc.? Also ask yourself, what LIGHTS YOU UP THE MOST to talk about? Because the more you love what you talk and share about, the more you'll show up with zest to do so. For instance, the brand voice is more about the actual training, nutrition and community, where my own personal brand voice is a lot more of the mindset and belief system behind showing up and being successful - no matter what your goal(s) are! Sharing the stories of my own mindset shifts and growing pains that led me to a stronger belief system light me up so much vs only speaking the exact same things about PowHer on my own personal page.
New comment Aug 16
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Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
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