Monday June 10 Goals + Engagement
Happy Monday, Ladies! I hope everyone had a restful weekend and is excited about the week ahead! TOMORROW is LIVE CLASS - we will be discussing the DONE + DESIRABLE METHOD (bc you cannot convince people who aren't READY, but you can position your content for them ONCE THEY ARE!) as well as how to properly market MULTIPLE offers (I know some of you have been struggling with this and it's been a past struggle of mine, also!)
Now for a little tough love accountability, the public feedback love on each other's posts has REALLY dropped. We are all here trying to HELP each other, so make sure you're giving your part vs just aiming to receive. With more of this vibe, we can help each other even more. Or would you rather the daily engagement thread posts go away? I'm always here to listen.
Now for this week's goals, what are YOU aiming to DO this week? Even if it's just a mindset reframe. For instance if you think "I'm just stuck with my business or stuck with my content", do you think the thought of saying and believing STUCK will really help you make forward progress? If you need a break, a rest or some time to brainstorm to make sure all that you're doing is exactly what feels like a FULL BODY 10, do that! But to go into "I'm STUCK" mentality and behavior is exactly what makes people fall off - I unfortunately have seen it so much with as a prime example.
My goal is to keep delivering incredible $20K in 20 Day Audio Lessons, a FIRE live class tomorrow, film week 2 with my rockstar ladies in the Wealth Creator College and film a new podcast, get my daily workouts and devotionals in, serve my family and clients with supportive energy, record a new (even better than my first attempt!) welcome video for app 2.0, bomb email newsletters and new welcome videos for both Digital Profit Queens and Wealth Creator College - best part is I'm abundant as can be and energetic to do it all! (Taking the weekends to unplug and rest and nap has been crucial for me!). STAYING IN MY LANE VS WASTING TIME CONSUMING OTHER CONTENT!
Also this FRIDAY is part 1 of 2 of the video shoot for PowHerfit App 2.0! I've got A LOT of big tasks this week!!!
What about you? Oh and don't forget to share today's post or your newest post for engagement love. Based on the engagement posts this week will determine how we move forward with community support on our public posts. CHEERS TO A GREAT WEEK!
Randa Carrabba
Monday June 10 Goals + Engagement
Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
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