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September Live Class is happening in 6 days
Happy Thursday September 19: Engagement Thread!
Happy Thursday, ladies! Quick little mental health check. How are you ladies doing with social media and your businesses right now from a mental standpoint? You can be honest, no judgement. I had a really rough day with some very unfortunate news about the app sync to our website and have a very hard meeting and decision to make here at 11am. To say I cried and prayed a lot last night is an understatement, but I KNOW that God is ALWAYS WORKING ALL THINGS FOR GOOD, even when I don't understand. I've become so much more vulnerable of a leader through hardship, which has been nice to not feel so much on my shoulders. If you didn't listen to my private podcast I released to my VIP this past weekend, here it is: If you didn't see yesterday (Wednesday September 18 post), go check it out as I'm encouraging a "my story" or live video for you to potentially use as a pinned post by October! LIVE Class in here next Tuesday, which is in our calendar! Here is today's engagement thread post. Share the link from today's post (or your newest post) and give the other ladies public engagement love as well as honest feedback inside of the group.
New comment 33m ago
Happy Thursday September 19: Engagement Thread!
Fri Sept 13 Engagement Thread
Here is today’s engagement thread post! Share the link from today’s post (or your newest post) and make sure you’ve caught up on showing love to the other ladies posts before you do! Keep the honest feedback for ways you see the others could make improvements, too!
New comment 2h ago
Wednesday September 18: Mini Challenge + Engagement Thread
Happy Wednesday, Ladies! I've got a big day with a live Wealth Creator College + Content Shoot! I also want to put out a little something to challenge each of you ladies to do BEFORE the end of October - SHARE YOUR STORY! The easiest way to do this LONG FORM is to GO LIVE. I know that may be scary to some of you, but this is a great pinned post to add to the top of your page. If you already actively go live and/or have shared your story where it's easily accessible with a pinned post/highlights - you don't have to do this. But I want to give some of you the extra nudge to do this soon! Here is today's engagement thread post. My post is a heart melting mom moment. Not my usual, but still fits into my brand voice! Share the link of today's post (or your newest post) below and give some community love to the others as well as honest feedback where you see can be helpful! LIVE CLASS NEXT TUESDAY!!!
New comment 18h ago
Wednesday September 18: Mini Challenge + Engagement Thread
Tuesday September 18
Happy Tuesday Ladies! Live class one week from today!!! I'm taking full day off of all social media today as I prepare for LIVE Wealth Creator College Class Tomorrow and a Content Shoot, too! Thanks to scheduling, I highly suggest one day a week where you do no social Media and you will be amazed at the time you gain back, the distraction-free work you get done and just an overall refill of your own cup. I'll tell you anytime I've become more clear with my messaging or what to talk about, it's during quiet time away! Hearing @Shayna Deal's feedback of the 30 day challenge so far was the best perspective I could remind. you all of: to keep building your page with binge worthy posts where it's so recognizable who you serve and what your business does, all while covering all 4 of the buyer phases (which I worked into the 30 day challenge) and who cares about engagement. You can't control the algorithm, but you can control what you share. So keep building for if/when a new dream client finds you and if/when you have a post pop off, that way there's so much time for them to spend on your page!!! I hope this perspective makes it so much easier to create and share when you think of what additional binge-worthy content you want to add! Here is today's engagement thread post. Share today's link (or the link from your newest post) and be sure to show the other ladies both public engagement love on their posts and any honest feedback in here!
New comment 1d ago
Monday September 16! Engagement!
Happy Monday, Ladies! Who here has completed the 30 day challenge and how many of you are still trying to wrap up some final posts from the challenge list? I want to make sure I allow enough time for everyone to complete before choosing a winner! Also live class time next Tuesday!!! Let’s make this today’s engagement thread post! Share the link from today’s post (or your newest post) in the comments below. Do not share yours unless you plan to give love and/or feedback to the others! Cheers to a great week ahead!!!
New comment 1d ago
Monday September 16! Engagement!
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