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31 contributions to Creation
Quick question Power Positioning + Convert 2.0
I wondered if I could combine concepts from both books so that the positioning gets instilled into all of my campaigns and they purposefully repel people I don't want. Anyhow. I think these little two books (book + workbook) are pretty amazing... Thanks
New comment Jul 25
0 likes • Jul 25
@Frank Kern This is brilliant stuff! Thank you for your reply
Automating AI Videos
Is it possible to create custom automated AI videos of yourself, where you mention the clients name in the intro, the body section of the video being the same for all clients, but with customized intros mentioning the name? Any idea or service that would do this? thanks
New comment Jul 25
0 likes • Jul 22
Yes. It is. I don't remember but there are several.
Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. Now Available
Writing copy sucks. It either: 1. Takes forever. 2. Doesn't convert like you want, or ... 3. All of the above. And that's why I made the Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. It has FIVE brand-new A.I. bots that work together like a well-oiled machine to write your sales letter FOR you. ...In a single session. And in ...ONE DAY. It can even read your courses, books, existing copy, or whatever ...and then LEARN everything cool about your stuff ...and then write the sales letter about THAT. Just like a professional copywriter would do ...except without the $25,000 fee. After I made the system, I filmed a training for all my RainMakerAI users ...showing them how to use it. And in the training you'll literally look over my shoulder as I use these exact same bots to write a complete sales letter from scratch, all in one sitting. Like ...from blank page to kick-ass sales letter right there in front of you. I use this stuff ALL THE TIME now ... Because if you think about it ...the only thing that really stands in our way when it comes to selling stuff is the COPY. And if we have MORE offers and MORE sales letters, emails, content, etc ... We should make MORE dineros. But the problem has always been ...actually writing this stuff. Not anymore. I've made the training available in the classroom section for a HUGE discount. It's never been released except to people who are RainMakerAI insiders. It's at the top of the page (in the middle) here:
New comment 10d ago
Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. Now Available
1 like • Jun 27
I want to create an agency that creates copy, UX/UI landing pages optimized for speed and conversion. Is this an offer that allows resell rights? I know Poe won't tell you anything... And, I'll probably tweak the copy. In all transparency, I was going to go with a very famous copy school. But I'm listening.
I made this new (and free) custom AI writer to that writes like me. It’s built to take any existing copy or text and re-write it in my style and tone: Now, check this out. I wanted to see what would happen if I just told it to write something and didn’t give it any original copy to re-write. This was the prompt: "I need you to write an email about a new bot that can take any boring text and re-write it like me. It’s free to use if you’re on Poe. Try it out." This is what it wrote: ———————— Dude, you're not gonna believe this. I just discovered this crazy new AI bot that can literally take any boring piece of content and rewrite it so it sounds like yours truly wrote the thing. Seriously, it's absolutely insane. You just paste in whatever lame article or report or whatever you've got, and hit GO... ... And BOOM! Within seconds, this thing will rewrite your content so it reads exactly like I wrote it myself. It's got my style, my tone, my vibe, everything. I'm not kidding around here. This thing NAILED it. And check this out: if you're using Poe, which is that new AI chat app, you can use this bot for FREE. That's right. No charge. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Just log in to Poe, search for the bot (I think it's called "Write Like Frank Kern" or something like that), and give it a whirl. Paste in your most boring piece of content, and prepare to be blown away when you see how epically awesome it sounds after getting the Frank Kern Midas Touch, thanks to this bot. Pretty cool, right? Alright, go try it out and let me know what you think. I bet you're gonna dig it. Talk soon, Frank ————————— THAT IS BANANAS! So - try using this one for social posts, re-writing content, etc. It’s not necessarily built to write entire sales letters. I originally built it as a way to re-write stuff and make it sound cooler. You have to be a Poe subscriber to use it (it's cheaper than ChatGPT and it actually comes with ChatGPT clue how they did that.
New comment Jul 11
0 likes • Jun 14
I had tried it with Gpt 4...It was good. But this is great... So your VAs comment on your ads this way @Frank Kern ;-)
1 like • Jun 14
@Frank KernThank you for your reply. Yes... that was a post I guess. I loved the automation reply. It sounded like you. That's why I'm asking. Didn't receive anything though.
Sometimes, ONE Metric Can Make All The Difference...
When we're analyzing client's data and dashboard, we're always looking for that ONE THING to focus on. In business and marketing, you could be focusing on a million things at once. But I've found that could be counterproductive, challenging and overwhelming. Our job is to isolate what's working and what's not working. Scale what is and fix what isn't. So we pick our battles and find that ONE THING that can move the needle. For example, we work with a client that's doing super well. But middle last year, he wasn't so hot with his numbers. We looked at the entire funnel and decided to focus on his opt-in rate. Out of all the metrics (CTRs, VSL consumption, Booked calls rate, show-up rate, close rate, etc), this was the worst. So we helped them split-test the crap out of their opt-in page. And they went from 12% to 25% in a couple of weeks. Their revenue DOUBLED that month. Doubling their opt-in rate wouldn't have been my first choice. But data doesn't lie. We fixed it and they won. Then, we focus on the next ONE THING. Because this is an endless game. But, by focusing on ONE THING at a time, we can fix it and move to the next thing, making the ads and the funnels work better as we go. I like to focus on things the way the customer would experience them. This is something I learned from Frank. We start with the ads: Are they getting clicks? Then we move to the opt-in page: Are people signing up? Then to the VSL page: Are people watching? Then to the application/call page: Are they scheduling/applying? And so on... This applies to any funnel and ad campaign you can think of. You just need to isolate the variables and work on that ONE THING until you win, and you move to the next one. Like Alex Hormozi says, it's not one silver bullet that makes the difference. But a thousand golden BBs. I like to turn ONE golden BB into my next silver bullet. Until we fix it. And we move on to the next.
New comment May 2
Sometimes, ONE Metric Can Make All The Difference...
1 like • May 2
North 🌟 ;-)
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Laura Houssain
30points to level up
CMO, Simplifying Your B2B Agency 7-Figure Growth Journey with Niche Offer + Message Fit and Funnel Conversion Optimization.

Active 20m ago
Joined Jul 2, 2023
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