I made this new (and free) custom AI writer to that writes like me.
It’s built to take any existing copy or text and re-write it in my style and tone:
Now, check this out.
I wanted to see what would happen if I just told it to write something and didn’t give it any original copy to re-write.
This was the prompt:
"I need you to write an email about a new bot that can take any boring text and re-write it like me. It’s free to use if you’re on Poe. Try it out."
This is what it wrote:
Dude, you're not gonna believe this.
I just discovered this crazy new AI bot that can literally take any boring piece of content and rewrite it so it sounds like yours truly wrote the thing.
Seriously, it's absolutely insane.
You just paste in whatever lame article or report or whatever you've got, and hit GO...
... And BOOM!
Within seconds, this thing will rewrite your content so it reads exactly like I wrote it myself.
It's got my style, my tone, my vibe, everything.
I'm not kidding around here. This thing NAILED it.
And check this out: if you're using Poe, which is that new AI chat app, you can use this bot for FREE.
That's right. No charge. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
Just log in to Poe, search for the bot (I think it's called "Write Like Frank Kern" or something like that), and give it a whirl.
Paste in your most boring piece of content, and prepare to be blown away when you see how epically awesome it sounds after getting the Frank Kern Midas Touch, thanks to this bot.
Pretty cool, right?
Alright, go try it out and let me know what you think. I bet you're gonna dig it.
Talk soon,
So - try using this one for social posts, re-writing content, etc.
It’s not necessarily built to write entire sales letters.
I originally built it as a way to re-write stuff and make it sound cooler.
You have to be a Poe subscriber to use it (it's cheaper than ChatGPT and it actually comes with ChatGPT clue how they did that.
And they charge $10 per 1,000 messages.
I can’t imagine you’d use this to create 1,000 messages so it’s basically free assuming you use Poe.
Then again, I’m not an expert on how Poe’s pricing works.
My bill has never been high enough to even notice and I use it all the time.
I think you can use it a few times for free even if you’re not a subscriber too.
Give it a whirl! Let me know if it helps you.
Here it is:
Frank Kern
Frank Kern's Friendly Helping Community Of People Who Create And Sell Things Online.
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