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11 contributions to Creation
Which course will help me in increasing my sales?
I am selling online course called "Release" it is about how you release trauma without remembering the past pains. i sell through on demand webinar by running FB ads to get more leads, the i follow with them through emails. Sales start decreasing with time as i launched the course back on 2021 with same sales letter which include VSL. my question is what is the best course to start with in order to increase my sales ? BTW i have bonuses also i am RMAI client if the suggested course is there !
New comment 1h ago
0 likes • 11d
@Frank Kern Frank did see my answer 🙈
0 likes • 1h
Hi @Frank Kern my course price is $197. I will follow your advice and ad more follow-ups using POE bot. and scale up my ads gradually. I have another question: what about crafting direct long sales letter as per Create AI 2.0 sales letter section ? Thank man :)
Low ticket funnel advice
Hi @Frank Kern and all experts, I have an online course called *Release*, priced at $197. It's focused on helping people release trauma without needing to remember or relive old memories or pains. My current funnel involves Facebook ads, an on-demand/evergreen webinar, followed by a pitch at the end of the webinar and a follow-up sequence. Now, I'm looking to introduce a low-ticket funnel to bring people in. I'm considering either a $4 book or a mini-course as the entry offer, followed by an upsell. I also have two additional products I could use as upsells: 1. A book about overcoming fears ($17). 2. A meditation on releasing fears ($47). Can someone guide me on the best process for a low-ticket funnel that leads up to selling my $197 course? Which would be more effective—starting with a low-priced book, a mini-course, or another approach? How should I structure the upsells to maximize conversions? I appreciate your advice!
New comment 17h ago
0 likes • 17h
@Sean Greene thank you Sean for your advice :) I will consider
0 likes • 17h
@S Santiago totally agree , but let me clarify, the original price for webinar pitch was $297 then after 3 yrs I reduced it to $197. So, what is your advice in this case for the best top funnel ideas. The $47 will be down sell in this case.
Facebook $5/day ads stop working
I followed @Frank Kern ’s directions to the letter to sell a book of mine, investing $5/day for each type of audience. It worked great for a few weeks and I sold several hundred products, but then ... suddenly ... everything stopped. I re-did the same campaigns, changed copy, image, audience, etc. But nothing. Now they are slow, consume little budget, and above all, bring no more sales. Zero. Any idea what it could be? Thank you for any suggestions.
New comment 17h ago
0 likes • 2d
@Frank Kern where can I find this method in classroom ?
Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. Now Available
Writing copy sucks. It either: 1. Takes forever. 2. Doesn't convert like you want, or ... 3. All of the above. And that's why I made the Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. It has FIVE brand-new A.I. bots that work together like a well-oiled machine to write your sales letter FOR you. ...In a single session. And in ...ONE DAY. It can even read your courses, books, existing copy, or whatever ...and then LEARN everything cool about your stuff ...and then write the sales letter about THAT. Just like a professional copywriter would do ...except without the $25,000 fee. After I made the system, I filmed a training for all my RainMakerAI users ...showing them how to use it. And in the training you'll literally look over my shoulder as I use these exact same bots to write a complete sales letter from scratch, all in one sitting. Like ...from blank page to kick-ass sales letter right there in front of you. I use this stuff ALL THE TIME now ... Because if you think about it ...the only thing that really stands in our way when it comes to selling stuff is the COPY. And if we have MORE offers and MORE sales letters, emails, content, etc ... We should make MORE dineros. But the problem has always been ...actually writing this stuff. Not anymore. I've made the training available in the classroom section for a HUGE discount. It's never been released except to people who are RainMakerAI insiders. It's at the top of the page (in the middle) here:
New comment 9d ago
Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. Now Available
0 likes • 16d
@Frank Kern thanks a lot my coach 🙏🏼🤩
1 like • 11d
"Your AI bots are absolutely amazing and have been a game changer for me! Instead of spending 2-3 days tweaking and writing follow-up emails, I can now get it done within 5-10 minutes using just one of your five bots. Frank, you've done a fantastic job—you're making our lives and marketing so much easier. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!"
VSL vs Sales letter for $97 course ?
Hello, I’m preparing to launch my stress meditations, which consist of 7 stress relife meditations priced at $97. I’m wondering if I need to create a VSL (Video Sales Letter), and educational video to persuade my clients, or if a sales letter will be enough. I would appreciate any advice on the best approach to take. Thank you!
New comment 8d ago
0 likes • 12d
@Jules Gregory thanks a lot Jules, my audios are in Arabic language and sales page as well, but in all cases I will be grateful if you could share your numbers if your sales and conversions rate ✨🙏🏼
1 like • 12d
@Jules Gregory which you best of luck
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