Low ticket funnel advice
Hi and all experts,
I have an online course called *Release*, priced at $197. It's focused on helping people release trauma without needing to remember or relive old memories or pains. My current funnel involves Facebook ads, an on-demand/evergreen webinar, followed by a pitch at the end of the webinar and a follow-up sequence.
Now, I'm looking to introduce a low-ticket funnel to bring people in. I'm considering either a $4 book or a mini-course as the entry offer, followed by an upsell.
I also have two additional products I could use as upsells:
1. A book about overcoming fears ($17).
2. A meditation on releasing fears ($47).
Can someone guide me on the best process for a low-ticket funnel that leads up to selling my $197 course? Which would be more effective—starting with a low-priced book, a mini-course, or another approach? How should I structure the upsells to maximize conversions?
I appreciate your advice!
Raeed Dossary
Low ticket funnel advice
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