Sometimes, ONE Metric Can Make All The Difference...
When we're analyzing client's data and dashboard, we're always looking for that ONE THING to focus on.
In business and marketing, you could be focusing on a million things at once.
But I've found that could be counterproductive, challenging and overwhelming.
Our job is to isolate what's working and what's not working. Scale what is and fix what isn't.
So we pick our battles and find that ONE THING that can move the needle.
For example, we work with a client that's doing super well.
But middle last year, he wasn't so hot with his numbers.
We looked at the entire funnel and decided to focus on his opt-in rate.
Out of all the metrics (CTRs, VSL consumption, Booked calls rate, show-up rate, close rate, etc), this was the worst.
So we helped them split-test the crap out of their opt-in page.
And they went from 12% to 25% in a couple of weeks.
Their revenue DOUBLED that month.
Doubling their opt-in rate wouldn't have been my first choice.
But data doesn't lie.
We fixed it and they won.
Then, we focus on the next ONE THING. Because this is an endless game.
But, by focusing on ONE THING at a time, we can fix it and move to the next thing, making the ads and the funnels work better as we go.
I like to focus on things the way the customer would experience them.
This is something I learned from Frank.
We start with the ads: Are they getting clicks?
Then we move to the opt-in page: Are people signing up?
Then to the VSL page: Are people watching?
Then to the application/call page: Are they scheduling/applying?
And so on...
This applies to any funnel and ad campaign you can think of.
You just need to isolate the variables and work on that ONE THING until you win, and you move to the next one.
Like Alex Hormozi says, it's not one silver bullet that makes the difference.
But a thousand golden BBs.
I like to turn ONE golden BB into my next silver bullet. Until we fix it.
And we move on to the next.
Hernan Vazquez
Sometimes, ONE Metric Can Make All The Difference...
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