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Consulting HQ

Public • 115 • Free

Skool for High Ticket Experts

Public • 160 • $11/m

3 contributions to Consulting HQ
Your skills are valuable
The big question is, how are you packaging your value? Most are severely underselling themselves by: - Selling their time by the hour - Selling packages - Charging the same as the rest of the industry - Marketing and selling the same way as the rest of the industry - Overthinking pricing entirely And this is why most are STUCK in the mud when it comes to growing their business. You see, pricing isn't just about the price you put on your work, it goes far deeper: - Who you sell your expertise to will impact your pricing - How you package your personal brand - How you communicate value to your market and client (hint, it's not selling time) One way I've managed to sell my expertise for a premium for 10+ years, is because I sell my expertise to corporates. Another way is leveraging my personal brand (see image where I was paid 5K to speak on stage for a couple of hours). EXAMPLE: You could add another ZERO to your revenue per year with just X2 or X3 corporate clients on the books, pretty cool right? I'm interested to know where you're at with pricing, so make sure you vote below. Also, drop a comment if you're wanting to find out more about taking your expertise to companies.
4 members have voted
New comment Aug 19
Your skills are valuable
1 like • Aug 19
I am somewhere in between.
Personal update ❤️
I’ve been a little quieter than usual this week being with you all. Long story short, my mum was rushed to hospital early this week and needed emergency heart surgery. All very unexpected and extremely scary time for the whole family. Good news though, she’s the bionic woman and made it through surgery, pacemaker fitted and out of hospital. On Monday she was told it was 50/50 she would be here, today she’s off on holiday with my Dad (and instructed to take it easy). I decided to keep my head down, get stuck in with helping the teams on the 2 ships I've been on this week, with the possibility of needing to fly back to the U.K at any moment. Fortunately, I didn't have to ❤️. Anyway, on the way to the next ship now, number 17 (this adventure continues). 4 weeks to go and back to reality, not that I like to wish time away haha.
New comment Jul 8
Personal update ❤️
2 likes • Jun 28
Sorry to hear about your mum, Pete. Glad she is alright. 🙏🏻
Are you an expert or employee?
We LOVE to buy from experts, we HATE buying from employees. Employees: - Think about what time they finish work - Complain about their clients  - Lack confidence and conviction  - Believe clients don’t buy  - Can’t wait for the weekend  - Is stuck in all of their own objections  Experts on the other hand: - Take control of the conversation - Ask powerful questions and get their client to ‘think’ - Show up with total certainty  - Hold their client accountable  - Have an immense desire to help their client, but aren’t attached to the yes or the no - Is the example of the transformation to their market and client  In the presence of an expert, it’s an entirely different energy. The eye contact, the tone of voice, even the subtle pause between questions. Being an expert isn’t something we simply say, it’s who we are. If you want your clients to transform their lives with you, invest thousands (if not tens of thousands), an expert mentality is everything. Who are you choosing to be this week?
10 members have voted
New comment Jun 24
Are you an expert or employee?
3 likes • Jun 18
I'm actually somewhere in between the two.
1-3 of 3
Kimberly Lebbing
14points to level up
I teach coaches how to create rapid results with their clients in 4 hours or less so they can make more money and create more freedom.

Active 6h ago
Joined Jun 8, 2024
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