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The consultant mindset is happening in 4 days
What does consulting mean to you?
There's a huge misconception when it comes to consulting, mostly that consulting is: - Selling to BIG companies 🙄 While a part of consulting is working with companies (and can be hugely profitable), consulting is far more than this. Consulting is a lifestyle and one I've enjoyed for 14+ years. Yes, I've consulted for hundreds of companies around the world, but mostly I've consulted for individuals in my specific expertise. You see, you might be a beauty therapist and feeling massively overwhelmed and like you're undercharging. Meanwhile, becoming a 'skin consultant' to your client means you can: - Charge significantly more - Work with less clients and create a far bigger transformation - Become the authority in your specific niche This is the power of consulting and the quick video below explains all of this in more detail. If you're new to the group, welcome. If you've been here a little while, you're going to love what we've got in store for 2025. It's time to become the consultant to your client and enjoy the freedom that comes with it.
What does consulting mean to you?
Part 2: The only sales training you'll ever need and want
Our final (and possibly most vital) workshop of the year. We covered an immense amount of ground: - Why you should be paid PURELY for being you - How we limit ourselves through our own thinking - The specific beliefs that hold us back - Why you must embody what you sell - How to sell purely within your integrity and from who you truly are + So much more, all in the space of 60 minutes. As always, share your notes below and if you're wanting to work with me throughout 2025 to help transform your sales and so you can offer your expertise for thousands per client, with ease and confidence, then make sure you let me know this weekend before I close my laptop for 21 days.
New comment 2d ago
Part 2: The only sales training you'll ever need and want
PART 1: The only sales training you'll ever need and want (RECORDING)
If you missed yesterday's workshop, or you simply want to catch it again, here it is! We had a mammoth session focused entirely on: - How you transform your sales in 2025 - Sell effortlessly and BEING in flow - How to position your personal brand so it pay again and again - How to step into the high value version of you - Sales process from start to finish Yep - All of this and so much more packed into this session. If you're serious about selling your expertise for thousands per client in 2025, this is the workshop to re-ignite the fire in your belly. PART 2 is Friday 12.00 pm, U.K time. As always, drop your notes and AHA moments below..
New comment 23d ago
PART 1: The only sales training you'll ever need and want (RECORDING)
95% of your industry are afraid
In 2024 I travelled to 21 cruise ships around the world and trained 1000+ team members in sales. The staff were amazing, hugely talented but they ALL struggled to sell a single product. The company had tried everything to increase sales, but nothing worked. And it all came back to 1 reason…. They were all AFRAID. But not afraid of sales, they were afraid of themselves. - Afraid of their own shadow - They didn’t trust their ability and all of their experience - Even when they knew they could help a client, they held back and didn’t make the offer So, I worked with them to transform the way they saw themselves. Within 2 days onboard, I started to see an infinite increase in sales. I’m talking team members selling for thousands per client! Because they shifted their mindset to becoming the expert, the trusted advisor and consultant to their client. Although I’m not in a hurry to visit 30+ countries and 21 cruise ships again… I know the keys to success are in transforming how you see yourself. Ultimately, it’s up to you on how you play the game this year. You can either play the game to win, or to survive. 95% of your industry is simply trying to survive and that’s why most never reach close to their potential. Meanwhile, 5% of your industry is making 95% of the revenues and living on their terms. Which one are you deciding for 2025?
95% of your industry are afraid
Fuc* your limitations in 2025 (25 reasons why)
2025 is just a few hours away, why will it be different to 2024? Here’s why: 1. Live and act like you’ve already made it (AKA, be the person you keep saying you’ll be when _______ happens) 2. Stop wishing to HAVE more and instead wish to BE more (most are so caught up in external validation, they lose sight of the most powerful thing of all, who they are) 3. Realise the value is in your own mind, more than the WORK you deliver (work addiction sucks anyway and makes us low status) 4. Become the consultant to your client (skin consultant, business consultant, fitness consultant)  5. Stop working from survival mode and step fully into creator mode (most operate from a place of survival and this keeps them stuck forever) 6. Do whatever it takes to increase your certainty (the higher level of certainty, the more you’ll be paid) 7. Create tangible results for your client, then repeat, then market those results (AKA - Think more like a brain surgeon, the more specific results you create, the more valuable you become) 8. Assume clients want to buy from you (most assume clients will say no, so this becomes their reality) 9. Assume the market wants your offer (most have zero certainty in their marketing, so everything they try backfires or worse, gets lost in the sea of beginners) 10. Write daily about your expertise (copywriting will pay tens of thousands per month, provided you write daily) 11. Write daily about your experiences (nobody cares about what you do, they care about your unique experiences in what you do) 12. Have more fun in the entire process (most have ZERO fun, so they get ZERO reward and a lot of pain) 13. Master the big 3 high value skills (sales, marketing, copywriting) 14. Practice these skills daily (most have done a course or 3, but less than 1% practice these skills and this is why 99% are never rewarded) 15. Build your business entirety around your strengths (you have superpowers, but if you ask superman to clean the kitchen all day, he'll never save the world, same goes for you too) 16. Inspire, educate and empower the market (want clients to be there for you? Then be there for them FIRST, simple) 17. Do NOT try to convince the market (convincing is low value behaviour, it's icky and why we don't date someone needy and desperate) 18. Decrease the hours you work on your business and increase the hours your work on yourself (the addiction to work is what keeps us stuck, because we don't make time to transform ourselves) 19. Aim to work 2 hours per day, Monday to Friday only (2 hours highly focused work, will out perform 12 hours by X1000) 20. Know your income is a direct reflection of your ability to articulate your expertise (the market doesn't care how good you are at what you do, they care about how you relate to them) 21. Know the market is saturated with beginners who lack confidence & influence (AKA, it’s never been so easy to stand out) 22. STOP doing everything that doesn’t serve you (makes no sense to do work that doesn't make your life better, even if it pays) 23. Give X100 more for FREE and watch your income increase by X10 (want to GAIN a lot more from the market? Give more, with ZERO expectation on what you'll get back) 24. Gain strength from everything (wins will give you momentum, loses teach you what not to do) 25. Simplify your life and business on every level, be ruthless and relentless (most businesses are bloated and overcomplicated. Ask DAILY how you can simplify on every level, everything. This goes against our nature because we've been conditioned to believe business is tough, complicated and only for the lucky and talented)
Fuc* your limitations in 2025 (25 reasons why)
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