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Show me your engine room 🧑🏻‍💻
Want to know one of my biggest secrets for making sales like crazy? I’m serious, you can make 10K, 20K even 50K+ purely with your expertise! Here it is. - You want to look, act and feel like the amount you wish to charge Being more specific for selling your expertise: - Your workspace wants to look, act and feel like the amount you wish to charge Here’s my workspace, it cost me approx £500 to setup. 1) 2 external monitors 2) Boss desk 3) Whiteboard 4) Microphone 5) Light for video/Zoom calls 6) Sound proofing I jump out of bed every single day inspired to work from here and I believe this energy transfers to everything I do within my business. What doesn’t work is taking my laptop to a coffee shop and pretending to get things done all day = fake work. The real work happens in the engine room. Post your engine room below 👇
New comment 15h ago
Show me your engine room 🧑🏻‍💻
REAL business?
I sent out an email this morning (you might have got it) asking some key business questions. I also want to share here because, end of the day I believe you're in the group because you: - Are a genuine expert in what you do - You run a REAL business, not a pretend let's post on social media all day and not have a client business - You have a high desire to sell your expertise for a premium and build a highly lucrative and fulfilling business If you've answered YES to the above, being able to answer the following questions isn't a 'nice to have' it's an absolute must. Let's go through them now: (don't be intimidated, we have to do this if we're going to build your business). - What's your pipeline looking like? - How's your DRR for this month?  - Are you stuck with continuations right now or moving forward with advancements? - Are you tracking ahead or behind on your target?  - By what percentage? - Do you have a flex target, if so how much? - How many hot leads are in your CRM right now? - How many of your leads are generated vs incoming? - Can you show me where the next 5K to 10K is coming from? (I mean be specific) - What's your sales strategy? - How do you map out your monthly sales plan from this strategy?  - How does your monthly plan help your sales activities? - What are your KPIs telling you right now? - What's your lead to sale conversion in 2024? - What's your show rate for consultations? - What follow up do you have in place? - Talk me through your consultation process, ideally from booking to conversion? - What's your most effective RGA? - How does your data back this up? How many of the questions could you answer? How do you feel about answering them? Now, answer the poll below and let me know where you're at. I'm here to help you, but we need to be real about the difference between fluff and rainbows vs what creates a highly profitable business. Over to you.
Cast your vote
Make money DAILY in your business
9 minute tutorial on why the habit of making money DAILY in your business can change everything. This session covers: - 3 powerful reasons why making money daily is key - How frequency of pay creates confidence or self sabotage - From $100 per day to $62,000 per month (and more) Not to mention, the basic steps to start making money DAILY from now. As always, share your notes below to help others in the community.
New comment 4d ago
Make money DAILY in your business
67 steps to build a powerful and highly lucrative expert business.
NOT for the faint hearted. NOT for those who want to continue to WING it and pretend to run a business. ESPECIALLY NOT for those who believe in pixy dust BS copy paste strategies. Enough said. Waking up starts here. DOWNLOAD the full PDF.
67 steps to build a powerful and highly lucrative expert business.
In demand expert
Straight up question for you. Are you in demand? Let’s go deeper with this. Do you have: - A waiting list of clients wanting to work with you? - X3 to X10 new highly paying clients per month, every month?  - 10K to 50K+ in revenues every month purely through selling your expertise?  If the answer is no, why not? This is the power of creating an in demand personal brand. More specifically, an EXPERT brand where you’re paid thousands per client. Most don’t have this. They have: - Pain, worry and anxiety about where the client is coming from - Confusion on how they should market their expertise - Overwhelm on all the tasks on their to do list THESE ARE BEGINNER PROBLEMS. And beginner problems should only last 12 months at most, not years or decades. So let’s refocus and wake up: We live in a world where you can have clients all over the world. So you should NEVER be short of leads and clients willing to pay you. This is a mindset shift. And one I’m here to help you make. If you’re serious about being in demand, let me know below.
In demand expert
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