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4 contributions to Consulting HQ
7 ways I grew my business (purely with my expertise)
I don’t have a large following online, but for 10+ years I’ve generated 180K to 500K per year, every year. Here’s my top 7 reasons why I believe this has been possible with extreme consistency since 2012: 1) Less clients, more value 2) Application and interview process 3) Niche in high demand/low competition industries 4) Sell expertise, not time 5) Serve current clients on a deeper level 6) Empty the diary, don’t fill it 7) Mastery More on all 7 👇 1) Less clients, more value I’ve never been good at building a large audience, no matter how hard I try, it never seems to work. I also find it extremely overwhelming to try and sell to 1000 people, I much prefer thinking of “how do I help just 5 people?” This mentality has helped me build my business in my deepest core value, to offer real change and transformation. I can’t do this for 1000 people at a time, but 5 people is 🙏. Naturally, this means charging a premium…. I charge £5000 for my sales community, it’s just one product where all my members have lifetime access to my training, support and they all help one another. It works, so I don’t reinvent it. Each month I open doors to 5 new students. Simples. 2) Application and interview process When selling something for thousands, it only makes sense to guarantee you’re selecting the right clients to work with. The last thing I want is for someone to pay me a lot of money and I end up hating them or they hate me lol. This is why the application and interview process works time and time again. Best of all, applications means extremely qualified leads. So instead of selling and convincing, you're selecting and handpicking the right clients to work 3) Niche in high demand/low competition industries Mostly, I don't work with coaches, copywriters or marketers. A: Most give me a headache (sorry not sorry, although I do have a few who are great clients) B: Everyone and their cat is already selling to them The industries I work with have an extremely high need and demand for what I offer (sales transformation).
New comment Jul 24
1 like • Jul 8
I better not be giving you a headache!
Personal update ❤️
I’ve been a little quieter than usual this week being with you all. Long story short, my mum was rushed to hospital early this week and needed emergency heart surgery. All very unexpected and extremely scary time for the whole family. Good news though, she’s the bionic woman and made it through surgery, pacemaker fitted and out of hospital. On Monday she was told it was 50/50 she would be here, today she’s off on holiday with my Dad (and instructed to take it easy). I decided to keep my head down, get stuck in with helping the teams on the 2 ships I've been on this week, with the possibility of needing to fly back to the U.K at any moment. Fortunately, I didn't have to ❤️. Anyway, on the way to the next ship now, number 17 (this adventure continues). 4 weeks to go and back to reality, not that I like to wish time away haha.
New comment Jul 8
Personal update ❤️
1 like • Jun 30
So glad she is healing, Pete. Thank you for sharing and letting us support you in a small way.
Energy check.
Want to sell your expertise for thousands per client? Then we need to check a few things first, simply answer “yes” or “no” to each statement and then score yourself out of 21 in the comments below: 1. I am showing up with confidence this month 2. I am focused on my own transformation  3. My body language reflects the confidence and expertise I have  4. I make decisions which move me towards my goals, not simply make me feel good now 5. I know exactly how to get myself out of a flunk and back on track 6. I eat well, exercise and have plenty of self care 7. I am focused and know what actions to take each day 8. I surround myself with people who challenge my thinking in a good way, they make me better 9. I educate my market daily through the power of my expertise  10. I produce engaging content daily in the form of video and written content  11. I am an example of the transformation my clients want to see in their own life  12. My sleep is a priority and I get 6 to 9 hours uninterrupted and healthy sleep per night 13. I am happy to ask my client to invest thousands to help them transform 14. I feel worthy of being paid thousands per client and can genuinely back this up with who I am and how I live 15. I take time to reflect, journal and recharge daily, even if just a few minutes 16. My energy is good from the start until the end of day 17. I am committed to mastery in my craft 18. I know what makes me different to the other professionals within my industry 19. I am happy to invest in specific areas that make my life and business better 20. I seldom take time to feel sorry for myself or blame others/circumstances for any struggles 21. I am happy, fulfilled and highly motivated Once again, score yourself out of 21 below.
New comment Jul 28
2 likes • Jun 11
Eeeeekk....10....BUT several of them are the "easier" ones to fix. I have been working on myself a ton this year (thanks to an energy healer client...nice perk) so I've been almost entirely focused on things like confidence and body language/energy. For me, those seem like the building blocks or base to everything else.
1 like • Jun 12
@Pete Scott yes, especially because you teach sales. Never has more of my own b.s. come to the surface since I've tried selling my own products. So weird how that works!
People buy into your energy
Imagine the next 7 days you: - Show up with total confidence - Trust yourself like never before (this is huge) - Start working out - Eating right - Cutting out sugar, alcohol or anything else that makes you feel shitty - Start to write daily about your expertise - Film 1 short video per day educating your market - Make a point to follow up and engage in 3+ conversations per day with prospective clients + Most importantly of all, you fall in love with these things, instead of the results of these things. The funny thing, this will already set you apart from the 99%. Ultimately though, we get stuck in overwhelm, pain and struggle because we don’t believe it. We don’t believe our own power ❤️ Instead, we ‘believe’ our products, services, some new machine, new thing to sell, has the power. The brutal truth…. Clients buy who you are a person. So yeah - Your energy matters. This is the real work and it changes the game entirely. We no longer chase another external thing and instead bring all the power back to our: - Expertise - Transformation we create - Trusted advice This is how you unlock charging thousands per client and changing their lives in the process + your own. How are you showing up for this week?
New comment Jun 17
People buy into your energy
3 likes • Jun 11
This is like a checklist of what to do each day. I've got 3 of them under control, but the other 4 need some work for sure.
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Alison Rodden
10points to level up
I'm a reluctant cat lover who plays the piano, practices king fu, and writes for a living.

Active 1d ago
Joined Jun 8, 2024
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