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3 contributions to Retain4Gain
TRANSMUTE Sexual Energy (Horny) into UNLIMITED Productivity.
I'm reading The Enlightened Sex Manual by David Deida (Author of The Way Of The Superior Man) and he talks about a practice of using your breath to essentially channel your horny (sexual energy) into something in your body. We have conditioned ourselves into thinking that if we see a hot woman, or our girlfriend, or a porn-star fucking, it means our balls are horny, our dick is hard, and we need to release it. This is the primal and mediocre way to go through with it. The spiritual, the SUPERIOR way is to understand that the concept of "mmm, ooh, ahh" cycle of Stimulation, Feeling, Ejaculation can be changed. -------------------------------------------------------- Before you think this is some Hocus Pocus bullshit. Remember, this is coming from a spiritually enlightened man who wrote The Way of The Superior Man. He's helped our lives tremendously. This technique will genuinely save you so many hours, testosterone, and sexual drive lost. Imagine you're taking a piss right now. Now STOP. Hold that pee. Whatever muscle you just used to stop it is your Kegel muscle. Your perinium so to say. Now take a full breath and really pressurize your balls, you might have to stand up for this, and on the exhale, FLEX your Kegel muscle really tight and pretend the air is exhaled UP the back of your spine. Do it again. If your breath doesn't reach your balls, that's okay. Whether it reaches your throat, chest , belly, or balls. Still breath as if trying to drill into the dirt that is your body with your breath to reach your balls. Breathe down the front Mouth, throat, chest, stomach, balls. Then EXHALE up the spine whilst doing the hardest Kegel you can ever do. Practice this form of breathing at random parts through the day or just 24/7 if you can. This is your idle method of circulating horny throughout your body. Now remember this movement the next time you're horny, the moment you feel horny, don't fucking touch your dick. Simple practice the breathing technique.
New comment Nov '23
I relapsed MULTIPLE times this year. I vowed to NEVER FAP AGAIN. But, here we are, I've broken that promise so many times this year. I've spent 3+ hours researching the ins and out's of why, including my own experiences of relapsing to give to you the PERFECT solution --------------------------------------------- THE WHY: Your SEXUAL DESIRE is your birthright. As a masculine man, every time your body produces testosterone and libido. Its a gift from your masculinity to your physical body. However, through conditioning and the modern world full of porn, TikTok and Instagram girls, we've been conditioned to release that desire through ejaculation. Even Deida talks about this in The Way of The Superior Man "Many men tend to be inspired, and then spurt it out through thought and ejaculation" Our lust for ejaculation and sex is OKAY. It is NORMAL. The act of porn and fapping is what has been brainwashed into us. Every time your body produces testosterone, it spikes your libido. You've been conditioned to fap every time that happens and then you lose that libido, followed by your testosterone. This cycle repeats, day after day, week after week, month after month. You are sick of it. I am sick of it. WE are sick of it. We can bypass this. The secret is.. Mewing and Breathing. Yes. Deida talks about this body practice in "The Enlightened Sex Manual" Our tongue is actually supposed to always, ALWAYS stay at the roof of our mouth comfortably. Its how our body should be working 24/7. It's the cog in the machine that is our body. Breathing fully, allows our body to control itself. Shallowly breathing reduces our energy and makes us sporadic, leading to more relapses and loss of control. --------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNIQUE: Practice what I'm about to say ALL THE TIME. Whenever you can remember to do it. It will CHANGE your life. Treat your dick and your head as south and north poles of your body. To create energy, BREATHE, literally BREATHE the lust and desire through your body.
New comment Nov '23
Use your Breath to transfer your sexual energy
When we feel lust. Whether it's from a woman or from just plain thin air. We feel it. We have been conditioned by ourselves and defaulted to wanting to wank off to get rid of that stress. But just like any stress, it can be relieved. If we breathe fully. Almost just containing all that lust and libido and then breathing it out into the world as if releasing it. The tension gets relieved and we dont have any urges anymore. I've been doing this for a while and it's worked perfectly. You have to be very very mindful of your breath while doing it. Breathe down to your balls.
New comment Oct '23
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Kaushik Aditya
11points to level up
I coach on Studying and Time-Management. DM for GUARANTEED results within 2 weeks. Fatherhood is my purpose. 950ng/dl testosterone by the end of 2024

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Joined Oct 20, 2023
Abu Dhabi
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