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Why Masturbation is a Sin
Scripture clearly teaches that sexual pleasure is to only be derived in the context of two people of the opposite sex within a lifelong covenant (aka marriage). There are three parts involved for sex to be lawful/natural: the number of individuals (two), the sex of the individuals (opposite), and the commitment of the individuals (marriage covenant). Masturbation fails in all three parts. Yes, God designed sex to be pleasurable as it is supposed to deepen intimacy between husband and wife. But, when you condition yourself with years of self pleasure you begin to view sex, marriage and women as something to extract from, to use for your own sexual desires. This is why masturbation is immoral. It can turn you into a selfish man. When sex is supposed to be a selfless, mutual, loving act. Masurbation as a single man is also immoral since you are satisfying yourself to a sexual fantasy that is either imaginary or visual which conditions you to fetishize and idealize women in an unnatural way that can create shame, fear and uncertainty in your ability to lead, court and treat your future wife with love. There are three reasons why masturbation is immoral: #1 - MASTURBATION INVOLVES A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL First, masturbation is sinful because it involves a single individual. In this sense, it is an extremely narcissistic act that violates 1 Corinthians 7:3-4. Here we are that a woman has sexual authority over her husband's body and vice versa. This is an invariable condition of marriage, that the husband surrenders the power of his own body, and gives it up to his wife. How could he afterwards disconnect himself from his wife, as if he were free? Same goes for the wife. Sex must not involve more than two people but neither may it involve less than two people. #2 - MASTURBATION INVOLVES A SINGLE SEX Second, masturbation is sinful because it involves a single sex. The principle of a male receiving sexual pleasure from a male (or female from a female) being sinful is clearly laid out in Scripture. Similar to the first reason and how it involves a single individual; when a man decides to “self pleasure” he is receiving pleasure from his own body, which again violates 1 Corinthians 7:3-5
Why Masturbation is a Sin
Retain4Gain is back
I was speaking to an entrepreneur last week and I asked him why he couldn't scale his coaching business Leads? Sales calls? Content? nope Because he had a crippling porn addiction so thought fuck it, lets re open this group Btw i no longer sell nofap coaching, i am in the business of helping self improvement creators launch their own coaching businesses - if you're interested in that check out my free group here btw What posts do you want to see?
New comment Apr 22
How many guys are still jerking off?
I'll try to answer any nofap questions you have. (dm me if its personal)
7 members have voted
Pleasure is not found in porn it is created in your mind🧠🧨
If porn where to be complete objectively pleasurable and all mortal men have to resist it. How come there are genres, how come your preferences of which type of porn comes into play? Because at the end of the day the guys fucking guys and trannies fucking grannies seem disgusting to you but they are still labeled porn. porn is also subjective because you have mental autonomy, and when you look at a girl and decide she is hot thats because YOU decided it. (there is no second lizard primal brain inside of you deciding which girl is hot or not, there is just a dick that's purpose is to jizz) No one else is in your brain telling you to decide if that girl is hot or not, let alone thinking and focusing on her ass and saying she is so hot, practically mental masturbating's yourself. Side note, another example of porn being subjectively mentally pleasurable is that you have early ejaculation's when looking at porn without even touching your dick. Nothing touched your thingy yet you still bust. So know we know porn's pleasure is 1000 subjectively pleasurable and dictated on our brains. Now what? Now that you know that porn is subjective and we only enjoy it because we are actively telling ourselves how hot the girl is, than if we can be ULTRA mindful about our thoughts we can control how much we see porn as actually pleasurable. (over some time you will get used to it) This is like affirmations but in reverse and way more effective If you do this correctly you can watch porn and not even get the slightness erection, sounds crazy but its true, and (if you choose to do it) you will look at the porn and ask yourself have I been living a fucking lie? (yes you have)porn isn't objectively pleasurable you where creating that pleasure all along. how it feels to realize porn isn't objectively pleasurable and that we only feel pleasure because we BELIEVE we do and our interpretation of the porn is what creates the pleasure. ⬇️👇👎⤵️
Pleasure is not found in porn it is created in your mind🧠🧨
r/NoFap is a SCAM
If you are still struggling with porn, I please advise you to never use the r/nofap subreddit. While it looks wholesome from the outside, it's really a scheme to keep desperate men coming back for useless advice that they think will eventually work, despite it not making an ounce of a difference for years of their life. I made a post in there where I gave advice that was very unconventional, but which worked very effectively for not just myself but many others, and it got taken down before it could get any decent traction. These subreddits don't want to help you, they only want more members to boost their ego and keep you trapped. I know that I probably didn't need to make this post, but just in case any of you boys still go on there, please stay away. Stay safe boys
New comment Dec '23
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