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Royalty Ronin

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4 contributions to A.I. Royalty Rockstars
The Retire Nower Plan for Rockstars
What if you didn't have to wait decades to save up $2 million, $5 million or $10 million before you could retire?๐Ÿฆฝ What if you could retire nower by monetizing the EXPERIENCES you've ALREADY had? If you're a young buck or lady... What if you could retire nower by helping another experienced person monetize their experiences? I've gotta full plate of stuff to send your way right now... But should I keep the Retire Nower Plan as something to share with you? Or ditch it? On a scale of 1-10: 1 = I'd rather get kicked in the private parts than hear about the Retire Nower Plan 10 = I'd take a kick to the private parts to learn more about the Retire Nower Plan
141 members have voted
New comment Mar 31
The Retire Nower Plan for Rockstars
1 like โ€ข Mar 11
30 Licensing Deals, $60k in 12 days from 1 poll...
Hey Rockstar!๐Ÿคฉ 1st thing... โœ…Click the pic so you can see the whole thing. (See PS for my fancy licensing rights to use it!) In January we sold a program called "My Peeps" at a special discount to 200 folks. ($297 each) As we've been discussing... ๐Ÿ‘‰The fastest way to get a licensing deal is to offer it to past customers. (This works in all niches BTW. Even if it's a weight loss offer...a segment of that list these days have followings or own businesses.) So that's what we did. They bought. They got to see how good the program is and "drive" it. Then, a couple of weeks later... ๐Ÿ‘‰I asked them in a poll if they'd be open to selling it? (See pic) ๐Ÿ‘‰With all the great responses, we put a licensing program together ๐Ÿ‘‰Then we reached out by DM to offer it. Not hard. (Skool makes polls and DM follow-up easy.) Now... For this PARTICULAR licensing deal... We did an upfront investment of ($1900 to $2900) and then they get to keep 100% of the sales they make. They must sell it for $500...and I recommend $1,000. Now... Here's your fun-work: 1. Why would we do a 100% deal? Are we cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? Comment below. 2. Use the framework of this post and send it to your (or a clients) past customers. Notice how it says we are thinking about it. You aren't committed. See what happens and post your results. 3. Sound off below on any questions you've got! I can tell ya until the cows come home how hot licensing is... But you won't believe it until you see it for yourself... Do the fun-work! I betcha you're in for a nice surprise. Rooting For Ya, Travis
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New comment Apr 2
30 Licensing Deals, $60k in 12 days from 1 poll...
2 likes โ€ข Mar 1
Leading by example, as always! Still funny to see a vote for that last option - even if it was a misclick ๐Ÿ˜‚
I just licensed a webinar in 8 lines in a DM
I only hit return 8 times in FB messenger. And got licensing rights to a webinar with NO MONEY upfront. ๐Ÿ‘ You can license any IP. Doesn't mean you should, but you can. I just licensed a fantastic webinar that will help me sell my stuff. (Marketing/sales IP is some of my fave to license!) Now... This fella and I have done deals in the past. (He's also a Rockstar.) But... I betcha you KNOW peeps with stuff you could license? or maybe you've got IP that they could license. What I'm tryna say is... It doesn't have to be difficult. This fella did a webinar and peeps were going ape shit over it. I was about halfway thru the recording when I DMd him... ๐Ÿ•At 6:56 AM ๐Ÿ‘‰"Hey dude! I haven't finished it yet, but I see why they are going ape shit!" ๐Ÿ‘‰"Could I license it from you?" (See pic in post. I'm blue. He is gray.) Not hard, right? His response was, "OF COURSE!" Now... When I do this with someone who doesn't know me or licensing well... The most common response is... "I'm not sure. What did you have in mind?" And then I sent him 6 more lines... ๐Ÿ•–At 7:18 PM the same evening, he messages me: ๐Ÿ‘‰"Howdy! I've been doing the moving thing so I just saw this. I'M IN! Sounds dreamy to me!" Now, I've got a great asset! ๐Ÿ‘‰I will cash flow it for a few thousand dollars every month. Would you like the other 6 lines? And a little case study with all the deal details? ๐ŸซตJust comment GIMME! ๐Ÿซต If I get 50 comments give or take... I'll make it happen. If not... I'll just go do more deals:-) Rooting For Ya, Travis PS This stuff is all in the New Money from Old Courses Training. I used the B.A.D.(Build a Deal) Method. This is the stuff that took me 20 years to figure out so I could do licensing deals in minutes. It's waiting for you to profit from too.
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New comment 5d ago
I just licensed a webinar in 8 lines in a DM
1 like โ€ข Feb 23
Where Money Really Comes From?
If you were to audit your "personal energy", where does a bulk of it go? If you want to make max moolah in minimum time...This is crazy important... People budget their money. People track their money. But few budget or track their energy levels. And because they track the WRONG THING - money... Most people are broke and walk around wilted as week old lettuce. It's counter-intuitive AF! Energy gives birth to dollars. Energy is the cause. Money is the effect. Everyone wants to BUY more joy, energy, or to feel better. That's really all we want money for at the end of the day. We want to trade money for more ENERGY - even if that energy is just a good feeling. Wanna go deeper? This could be a game changer... The way to "make money" like you're printing the stuff is to save other people energy. Now... Get this! huddle in... Energy can not be created or destroyed. Energy can only be converted from one form to another. (This is the 1st Law of Thermodynamics for you science geeks.) This law CAN be a real bitch. And it is a real bitch for most folks who don't understand leverage. Because (for most) it means to save someone energy they need to provide that energy. A lawn guy or gal must use their muscles, toil and sweat to mow the lawn to get paid. He saves the customer energy, but must use their own. I'm sure you can see the big ass constraints there? So, the energy can come from the lawn guy. ...or he/she can HIRE someone to save themselves energy. With me? Now that lawn dude(tte) must manage an employee and all the red tape involved...and give a chunk of dough to their employee for mowing the lawn. That energy MUST come from somewhere. And there's very little ENERGY LEVERAGE going on here. There is one thing we haven't talked about yet. You know what it is? The LAWN MOWER! It provides energy leverage. ...for humans across the PLANET. With way more energy leverage, it's no wonder lawn mower companies haul in quite a bit more loot than even the busiest lawn person.
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New comment Feb 18
1 like โ€ข Feb 9
"Optimizing energy is the key to printing money." ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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Kage Spatz
15points to level up
Licensing Courses, Digital Products, IP. Ex Teacher, Sports Coach, Strategy Games Pro to Forbes ft Entrepreneur, Marketer, Investor. Dad of 2 under 5.

Active 4d ago
Joined Feb 9, 2024
San Diego, CA
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