30 Licensing Deals, $60k in 12 days from 1 poll...
Hey Rockstar!🤩
1st thing...
✅Click the pic so you can see the whole thing. (See PS for my fancy licensing rights to use it!)
In January we sold a program called "My Peeps" at a special discount to 200 folks. ($297 each)
As we've been discussing...
👉The fastest way to get a licensing deal is to offer it to past customers.
(This works in all niches BTW. Even if it's a weight loss offer...a segment of that list these days have followings or own businesses.)
So that's what we did.
They bought.
They got to see how good the program is and "drive" it.
Then, a couple of weeks later...
👉I asked them in a poll if they'd be open to selling it? (See pic)
👉With all the great responses, we put a licensing program together
👉Then we reached out by DM to offer it.
Not hard. (Skool makes polls and DM follow-up easy.)
For this PARTICULAR licensing deal...
We did an upfront investment of ($1900 to $2900) and then they get to keep 100% of the sales they make.
They must sell it for $500...and I recommend $1,000.
Here's your fun-work:
  1. Why would we do a 100% deal? Are we cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? Comment below.
  2. Use the framework of this post and send it to your (or a clients) past customers. Notice how it says we are thinking about it. You aren't committed. See what happens and post your results.
  3. Sound off below on any questions you've got!
I can tell ya until the cows come home how hot licensing is...
But you won't believe it until you see it for yourself...
Do the fun-work!
I betcha you're in for a nice surprise.
Rooting For Ya,
Complete action
Travis Sago
30 Licensing Deals, $60k in 12 days from 1 poll...
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