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Content Savage Squad

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7 contributions to Content Savage Squad
$25K Deal Closed!! Biggest deal to date! Here's how it happened...
Hey Guys, last week I got a signed contract back from a company that I've been talking about on the mastermind calls for the last few weeks. Deliverables: - 10 Core Videos - 6 Reels - 20+ Photos Here's a breakdown of the deal and how I got it...
New comment 8d ago
$25K Deal Closed!! Biggest deal to date! Here's how it happened...
0 likes • 9d
@Derrick Mosley II 100%!!! It’s all about finding the fastest path to get in front of business owners that can benefit from what we do and have the money to pay for it. Some people go to networking events but because I live hours away from a big city (and where the business is) I prefer to target certain businesses and get in the door more directly. Our cameras are our ticket through the door. 😊
1 like • 9d
Thanks Dave!! I’m so pumped for the work I’ve got coming up!! Really cool businesses that have very visually appealing products. I can see I’ll have a long term relationship with all of them. There’s a motorhome (RV) show coming up soon that I’m going to go too… make some free videos for these businesses to create some more conversations. I feel like I’ve got a blueprint that works for me now and I’ve got businesses that I’m working with that I can use as social proof that other people trust what I do. Yeah the shed is awesome! Exactly what I needed too. Yeah, I’ll document the process from pick up from the factory to putting it together. I think that was a big reason that moved forward with the deal… they had no way to document the full process so offering that as an option made it a no brainier. I took my wife, daughter and in laws out for dinner when I had the contract signed! Such a good feeling to go out and enjoy ourselves after 2 years of earning very little.
How'd you get your Blueberries? (Solidify Success)
There's a story about an accomplished boss who starts his meetings asking the team, "How'd you get your blueberries?" It might sound ridiculous, but it's one of the most effective ways to start a meeting- it's about reflecting on progress. Back when we were still figuring out "civilization", finding food was the most important thing we could do, because it meant surviving. If you came back to camp with blueberries, the first question the tribe leader would ask wasn't "what did you do wrong?". It would be, "where did you find your blueberries?" It's not about diving into the challenges and failures, it's about understanding every aspect of what it took to get those blueberries, so that everyone else can learn what it takes to get them too. When the whole tribe is equipped with that knowledge, the tribe grows stronger. It's about painting the picture of what it looks like to be successful. Challenges and struggles are important, but we overcome them more easily by learning from the successes and victories of those running alongside us. So, with the end of the week upon us, I'll ask you this- How'd you get your blueberries this week?
New comment 9d ago
1 like • 12d
Love this!! Great way to look at reflecting on the week. For me it was a mixture of following up on a few clients and locking in shoots based on conversations we’d had previously and also fulfilling on work that needed to be done for the month. It’s a great feeling to finally have some work in the pipeline and look forward to the week rather than only going on the hunt each week.
I know my situation isn't typical. This client is from my hot list. I have 5 more WARM leads I've sat down with that are going to close with SOME form of work we'll do for them. BUT, this one really changed the game for me! Thank you @Ceebz Gerard & @Dave Lisowski! Finding your content, your teaching and this group changed EVERYTHING for me with ONE SINGLE VIDEO!
New comment 17d ago
0 likes • 17d
Bro, I love this!! That’s such a massive win! It just shows the more we implement what Ceebz and Dave teach, the more our thinking changes about how sales happens! I also love that you’re a fellow believer in Christ! Keep it up 😊
Tips on what to do next?
Tips would be greatly appreciated. I just started this course and started watching the videos that talk about VBC, FAQ videos, etc. Well I went to a new Dental office to get some work done, since I moved areas. Before going I made sure I googled them to see reviews, and noticed they were lacking video and photo and social media presence. So I went in there with a goal in mind, that was to try and just conversate with them with the end goal of hopefully easing into anything video related. WELL, it happened! We got to talking and briefly told them I have my own video agency company, and I help business stand out from the rest!! Instantly, he was interested, and wants to set up a meeting for next steps. Gave me his email, and phone number. He talked about having long term relationship with videography company to help them with online presence. My million dollar question!!!!! What do I do next. I want to send an email but don't know what to write or how to engage the next step Any help would be greatly appreciated. If this works, I will have my first $5k/month client on a 12 month contract. Shooting 1 time a month on location. Any help would be great! Also, if this happens, I can officially say I booked a client within 14 days. Im stoked, and nervous! I appreciate you all!
New comment 21d ago
Tips on what to do next?
0 likes • Aug 19
@David Sotelo I used Ceebz's sales deck and priced it at $25k, $10k and $4k to give them options. They came back and asked for a couple things less than the $25k package to knock it down to $20k. Have you gone through some of Ceebz's content around what to offer? VBC, Testimonials, Process Video, FAQ's, Sales Videos etc
0 likes • Aug 19
@David Sotelo yup, that’s the one. I copied it and changed the DNC logo to my own and use that exact template. Go through it and practise delivering it before jumping on a call as you’ll come across a lot more confident. Some of the slides I hid or deleted as it didn’t fit with what is most important for me in those meetings such as monthly content retainer options as I focus on getting the Core Assets done first and will touch on Defensive and Offensive content. Figure out what works for you by running through it a few times.
#Dealclosed Big WIN!! Here's my deal breakdown!
Hi Guys! Last week I signed a new client up to a $20k deal over 6 months which is by far the biggest one I've done yet! The deliverables are: 8 Core Videos 5 Reels 10-15 Photos Here's a breakdown of how I got the client, my learnings and where to from here:
New comment Aug 18
#Dealclosed Big WIN!! Here's my deal breakdown!
0 likes • Aug 17
Thanks @Robbie Patton!! Core videos are the ones that Ceebz teaches about in his course. Video Business Card, Testimonials, FAQ, Process, Sales/ Product etc. These are the main videos we should be making for our clients to help them dominate!!
0 likes • Aug 17
Thanks @Dan Gilman!! Appreciate it 😊
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Joshua Archibald
30points to level up
I'm Josh- A Video Warrior from New Zealand

Active 22h ago
Joined Jul 11, 2024
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