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Next Level Yoga Community

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18 contributions to Next Level Yoga Community
Do you have a mantra?
I remember in 2014 when I was in the thick of it transitioning from a life in the suburbs of Chicago to a life in Florida I always came back to the mantra “Trust The Process”. It was 3 simple words, but they kept me grounded and brought me back to the present moment when I was filled with worry and anxiety about my next steps as a yoga teacher (and if we’re being honest, human). Sometimes the water has to get murky, in order for us to find clarity. Remember to trust in yourself, lean on your yoga tools (breathing, meditation, asana), and I also suggest a mantra or intention you can come back to. Hope you have a great Tuesday and feel free to share your mantra if you want below. The more we affirm it, the more we receive it, feel it, and live it.
New comment Jun 16
3 likes • May 7
The two that I come back to time and time again are 1. “Breathe” and 2. “Let it Be”. Let it Be is very connected to your murky water thought- sometimes we mess with things too much and the mud gets stirred up and we can’t get any clarity in a situation, but if we just let things be the mud settles and the water clears. Relating to breath, one of my teachers one said, “Relax, nothing’s under control!” (Except our breath and our own response in any situation) And that was a game changer for me
...he.ya from texas...200 HR YTT Certified est. May 2023. currently in a hectic season of life [i'll. be 'empty-nested' aug. 2024. my youngest graduates in 26 days😯] needing some accountability in my personal practice. anyone in central texas area? love+lite✌🏾💜
New comment May 7
1 like • May 7
@Pedro Luna biased or not, it will be great 😊
0 likes • May 7
@Keisha Moulton in addition to teaching yoga I also coach kids in an after school running program and that’s where I’ll be subbing for the next few weeks. The majority of the yoga I teach is Hatha and Vinyasa. What about you?
Hey Everyone 👋🏾
- I’m based out of the Atlanta area in Georgia - I’ve been practicing yoga on and off for about 11years and teaching for 9 years - If I had to choose a favorite type of yoga it would be vinyasa or restorative - My IG handle is @chanel_sledge5
New comment Apr 29
0 likes • Apr 29
Hi Chanel! Isn’t it amazing that we can love both vinyasa and restorative yoga simultaneously? Who says we have to be one or the other? Both of these types require a lot of strength- physical strength to practice vinyasa and for me, personally, mental strength to practice restorative
Made it to the end! 🥳
Finished the challenge today and am feeling proud of myself (even though it didn't fit in the planned 7 days lol). Thank you for the lovely classes, I really enjoyed the Total Body Diagnostics and Total Body Strentgh classes 😍 Am very excited to keep practicing with the Next Level Yoga Community 💃
New comment Apr 20
1 like • Apr 20
Congrats Tsveta!!
1 like • Apr 20
@Pedro Luna that’s A LOT of yoga in just 2 days!! Holy cow
Hello, Yoga Community! My name is Melany Santana. - Where are you based? I was born and raised in Dominican Republic but currently living in Lake Worth Beach, FL. - Where are you on your yoga journey? I started practicing yoga when I was 20 or 21 year old at my local YouFit gym, but I stopped it. I returned to my yoga practice back in 2019, after my knee surgery. Since then, I became a 200YTT yoga teacher, reiki master, and crystal healer, which help me to be more connected to my spiritual side and with my mental health. - Which types of yoga are your favorite? 1) Vinyasa, 2) Yin, and 3) yoga Nidra - What would a successful 30 days look like for you? I workout 3-4 days per week, attempt 1-2 yoga classes per week, get my work done on time (work and school work) - What’s your social media handle? (so we can support you!) @melany.g29 Excited to meet everyone!
New comment Apr 20
1 like • Apr 20
Hi Melany! Nice to meet you 😊 I’m Jill from San Diego, CA ☀️
1-10 of 18
Jill Baird
13points to level up
Full time lover of yoga, fitness and the outdoors. Part time yoga and fitness instructor. Mom of 3 college-age humans and 3 dogs. San Diego is home

Active 94d ago
Joined Mar 22, 2024
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