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Group Coaching with Pedro is happening in 37 hours
Do you have a mantra?
I remember in 2014 when I was in the thick of it transitioning from a life in the suburbs of Chicago to a life in Florida I always came back to the mantra “Trust The Process”. It was 3 simple words, but they kept me grounded and brought me back to the present moment when I was filled with worry and anxiety about my next steps as a yoga teacher (and if we’re being honest, human). Sometimes the water has to get murky, in order for us to find clarity. Remember to trust in yourself, lean on your yoga tools (breathing, meditation, asana), and I also suggest a mantra or intention you can come back to. Hope you have a great Tuesday and feel free to share your mantra if you want below. The more we affirm it, the more we receive it, feel it, and live it.
New comment Jun 16
Back on the Mat!!
Hi everyone! I’ve been away from my mat and getting back on it right now! I really miss it😑 Sending great vibes to everyone 🩵🙏🩵🙏
New comment Jun 11
Something I've Been Pondering...
Something I’ve been saying in my yoga classes for a long time that I wanted to remind you of today is, “show up the best you can with whatever you have to work with”. Listen to your bodies’ current state, tune in to the signals, honor and respect its “limitations”. Consistency is the key, not perfection. Each and every practice is an opportunity for inner growth, and self-discovery. The more you show up, the more we grow. Celebrate the small breakthroughs that you notice on and off your mat. The way your body feels, the way your mind is calm, the way that you interact with others, etc. This acknowledgment and heightened level awareness is where the magic is happening. Keep showing up with what you got, keep planting those seeds of intention into your practice, and most importantly KEEP BEING YOU!
New comment May 28
Something I've Been Pondering...
Self Care isn't selfish; it's ESSENTIAL...
It replenishes your energy, prevents burnout, and enhances your ability to support others. Prioritizing self-care sets a healthy example and fosters empathy and compassion. By taking care of yourself, you maintain well-being and contribute positively to those around you. I recorded an 8 minute meditation for you to support your self care journey. It's free on our Next Level Yoga Community App for the next week. Click HERE to listen to the meditation NOW.
New comment May 28
Self Care isn't selfish; it's ESSENTIAL...
Yoga Teacher Support
I know a lot of you in this community are you teachers so I created this video to help teacher who get nervous before teaching and need some support to eliminate that! Hope this helps :)
New comment May 27
Yoga Teacher Support
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