Do you have a mantra?
I remember in 2014 when I was in the thick of it transitioning from a life in the suburbs of Chicago to a life in Florida I always came back to the mantra “Trust The Process”.
It was 3 simple words, but they kept me grounded and brought me back to the present moment when I was filled with worry and anxiety about my next steps as a yoga teacher (and if we’re being honest, human).
Sometimes the water has to get murky, in order for us to find clarity.
Remember to trust in yourself, lean on your yoga tools (breathing, meditation, asana), and I also suggest a mantra or intention you can come back to.
Hope you have a great Tuesday and feel free to share your mantra if you want below. The more we affirm it, the more we receive it, feel it, and live it.
Pedro Luna
Do you have a mantra?
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