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Evergreen Every Day is here! [how I make daily evergreen sales] 💵
I've been teasing something for weeks... I've gotten dozens of DMs asking for the link to join... and it's finally here for the pre-sale!! ⭐ ​Introducing my brand new course... Evergreen Every Day!​ The mindset + mechanics of how I am making daily evergreen sales! Here's the story to catch you up: Last month, I decided I was going to make course sales all day every day. I wanted constant "cha-chings" on my phone! 📲 I asked myself: "What do I need to have in place for that to be my reality? If I want sales all day every day, what does that look like?" So I mapped it out and I got to work (hard work!) Over 2 weeks, I built out an ecosystem of low ticket offers and new funnels that flow seamlessly into my premium programs. I created a simple upsell flow that turns $22 sales, $50 sales, and $200 sales into sales of my most premium signature programs. I got into the right mindset to allow sales to come in all day every day, no matter what I'm doing or not doing. Then I turned "on" my new funnels, content system, traffic, emails and posts...eager to see what would happen. My results, just a few weeks after turning my new systems "on"? 😱 Well, they speak for themselves (see attached) This is a mix of sales of $22 products, $55 offers, $200 mini-courses and my $3,000 premium program (and a few $10k packages too!). HOW? Irresistible offers. Fresh, fun funnels. Invisible upgrades happening behind the scenes. Daily revenue routines. Traffic. Emails. It's all working together and building so much momentum... it's been WILD! I cannot wait to show you EVERYTHING inside ​Evergreen Every Day​. Evergreen Every Day is a NEW program that will be delivered in late August + September 2024. It is currently on pre-sale for a huge savings. ⏰ The price will go up every few days between now and when the program kicks off. So, I wouldn't wait to grab your spot! When I say we are putting the FUN back in FUNNELS I mean it! 💵
New comment 10d ago
Evergreen Every Day is here! [how I make daily evergreen sales] 💵
1 like • 20d
@Kerttu Pentikäinen Go you!!!
1 like • 10d
@Kerttu Pentikäinen I think so! I'm planning on a tripwire as well as a $9 offer. I can't remember which is which at the moment🤣 Mariah is right when she says to just decide, rather than wasting time waffling and then never taking action. How's it going for you lately? Been making progress?
how I made sales while I was OOO 🏖️
I made 137 course sales while I was on vacation for a week - but I had to prep and plan for that to happen! Read on to see exactly what I did, step by step. Let me start off by saying, I am NOT a "batching" person 😂 I do not batch a month of content in advance, I do not pre-write my emails, I don't think that far ahead to be honest! But I made a commitment to selling every day (and making sales every day). (Ahem, exactly what we're doing in​ Evergreen Every Day​). So when I knew I was going to be completely Out Of Office, off-the-grid on vacation at the lake for a week, I made a plan and ran a test 🏖️ My hypothesis? "Could I make sales every day and still "sell every day" while completely off, if I pre-scheduled everything in advance?" My daily "Revenue Routine" usually takes 1 hour a day (the checklist of tasks I do each day to make daily sales - ​I explained more here​). But I knew I wouldn't even be able to do that each day. So I buckled down before I left for vacation and forced myself to batch 1 week's worth of email content. In total, I wrote and scheduled 5 emails (to different segments of my list, I'll explain more below). It took me about 3 hours to pre-write and pre-schedule everything in advance. The results? [SEE ATTACHED] ⬇️ *90 "orders" = 137 individual product/course sales. One "order" includes when someone buys multiple products as order bumps + upsells in the same purchase Let's break down the HOW: ✅ I pre-wrote and pre-scheduled 5 emails in advance. ✅ I used A/B tested subject lines and "resend to unopens" in order to maximize my results from my effort (seriously, you are sleeping on "resend to unopens". That's a $ tip right there!) ❌ I didn't worry about other channels and platforms while I was out - I didn't post on social media or in my community, I didn't do a lot of the other things I have in my usual Revenue Routine. Email was my priority and just focused on that.
New comment 10d ago
how I made sales while I was OOO 🏖️
1 like • 13d
I prefer batching as others have said because it feels good to be in flow! However in this season of my life (two littles at home), stealing an hour here and there works better for me.
Have you joined the Evergreen Every Day? 😍
If yes, what ideas/mindset shifts has it already sparked? 🔥🤗 I see so many options for low ticket products 😱 (The perk of doing online business, all my teaching is already there on record. ❤️) Mindset/visibility-wise I feel like it’s time to step out of hiding 😊 I’ve been playing ”safe”/passive. More is more! 😅😄😎 How about you? 🤓
New comment 18d ago
1 like • 20d
An aha moment that Mariah has shared before (but which I must continually learn) is to provide a low-ticket way for folx to enjoy your expertise. I love the idea of having more accessible products in tandem with the high-ticket offers. Previously I would offer a super low-ticket product or even service but for a limited time... and now Evergreen Every Day is reminding me to make those things available always. It just makes sense... and is ethical!
your pre-launch needs a makeover💄
Truth bomb: The success of your next launch has very little to do with what you do during the actual 6 days of enrollment being open (shocking, I know). It has EVERYTHING to do with what you've been doing the 6 months, and especially the 6 weeks, leading up to your launch. BOOM 🤯 People don't understand this, and then they wonder why their launch didn't meet their goals. If you want your fall course or program launch to be the best ever - the ramp up with strategically designed pre-launch content starts NOW (like now, now). In my $500k+ course launch debrief, I talk about how impactful the 6-week pre-launch phase was in creating so many sales. (You can listen to ​Part 0 on the public podcast here​, and Part 1 - Part 5 with the full breakdown of revenue, ROAS, and more is available inside the​ Launch Debrief Collection​). In fact, I'm helping most of my 1:1 clients with their pre-launch content for fall launches this week. These are 7-figure business owners...they know how crucial the 6-8 weeks of pre-launch content is to the success of their launch this fall. ➡️ This is why we have an entire training + template pack specifically for Pre-Launch Content in ​Content Machine​ - get instant access and save $100 off TODAY! This Pre-Launch Content module + templates, along with the Champagne Clients framework (included in Content Machine) and all the other powerful content templates will give you everything you need to have people asking you "how can I sign up??" before enrollment even opens! Get instant access to ​Content Machine​ here! When you have a strong pre-launch content strategy, it does so much of the heavy lifting for you. By the time you actually go to open up the doors to your launch, people are already "sold" on your offer and ready to enroll! (This is one way we create that rush of sales on Day 1 of any launch!)
New comment Jul 23
your pre-launch needs a makeover💄
0 likes • Jul 23
Perfect timing! I've been looking ahead to my fall launch as well. Growing my list by way of hosting my own bundle (and helping contributors grows theirs at the same time, win-win). I'm also starting to plan my content for the 6–8 weeks ahead of cart open. Will be using what I learned from the Champagne Clients Content Kit (which has been rebranded to Content Machine, right, @Mariah Coz?)
📩 Re-sending emails to un-opens?
Do you re-send your weekly emails to un-opens? How about when sending daily emails during a launch? 😅 I’m a bit new to this and wondering how far to take the re-sending 🙈 I like the concept though! 👌🏼🥰
New comment Jul 12
2 likes • Jul 11
If your email sending schedule is once weekly, it would be totally doable to resend those @Kerttu Pentikäinen. That said, I don't bother resending my usual email broadcasts. I only resend if they are launch/sales emails or if I'm promoting a workshop or something that I really want to hype up and get people excited about!
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Jessica Andersen
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Founder of Brand Book Bootcamp | Create ONE masterpiece of content that sells for you over and over📚

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Joined Aug 6, 2023
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