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23 contributions to The Wing Chun Family
What's the most fun or unique experience you've had in nature? ✨
The first time I went camping off-grid was truly unforgettable. It was a little scary at first because there wasn't cell service and no electricity at all, but when all the stars came out in the night, all my fears went away and were replaced by awe and gratitude for the vast beauty that God has created within us and all around us
New comment 6d ago
What's the most fun or unique experience you've had in nature? ✨
4 likes • 8d
I've had many, but a fun one that comes to mind is on our 'honeymoon trip'. My wife and I lived in Texas and we took a trip to the coast in a sleepy touristy town. We were walking the beach at night. We walked under a big pier and I noticed the small rays darting around the surf. So I stood still and the rays would use my legs as a pylon - zooming around me, up and down the rippling waves. It was fun to watch.
1 like • 6d
@Carlson Yan I remember it being a bright moment, but I don't recall if it was the moon for a street lamp up on the pier. Let's go with the moon - sounds much better.
Dao Ceremony
I was invited and introduced at a Dao (The Way) ceremony today. I am not and never have been a spiritual being (long story), but I went with an open mind. It was quite something. I actually enjoyed the experience. I am also hoping that what I learned today and had my Gate opened allows me to understand more of Sifu's teachings.
New comment 7d ago
2 likes • 7d
@Jason Ashby I can't really go in to it much, but the idea was to open your 'mind' to accept new ideas and connections. Also, I look at it as something to give you more to think about. I haven't stopped thinking about it and what it means, how I want to proceed, etc.
I feel like taking a short trip down memory lane bc of the weeklong rain here in Manila, so feel free to share a childhood memory that brings a lot of warmth to your heart
Feel free to take a moment to close your eyes to remember it and connect back to your Inner Child ✨ It's rainy days like this that make me think back to those days when classes would get suspended - we would stay at our parents' room and watch cozy family movies like Parent Trap. I felt immensely grateful for those simple things, like a roof over our heads and warm food. Sometimes, adulting and life gets so busy I forget that those simple things are more than enough to feel love and gratitude always 🥹
New comment 8d ago
I feel like taking a short trip down memory lane bc of the weeklong rain here in Manila, so feel free to share a childhood memory that brings a lot of warmth to your heart
3 likes • 10d
@Nina Cruz I recall a dish that was pork chops covered in sauerkraut then topped with mashed potatoes and then baked to crust over the potatoes. - Very German dish. She also made a pie with a pudding base covered in cherry pie filling and then home made whipped cream. However my favorite was called Banada (she was from Sicily (Italy). It was a large bowl lined with a pizza crust. Filled with pork chops, sausage pieces, onions, and broccoli. Then olive oil added and covered and sealed with another pizza crust. Baked the whole thing until the top crust was firm. All the meats and veggies inside would release their juices as they cooked and the pizza crust would rise and swell. Absolutely delicious and smelled wonderful.
2 likes • 8d
@Nina Cruz If you want a specific procedure, let me know, but it's pretty much as simple as I listed it above.
This breath is as good as gold, or even better. It is definitely one of the magical gifts of breathing. This breath will have an effect on you physically, mentally and spiritually, even after a short practice. It makes you immediately stronger when practicing; increases your concentration mentally, and spiritually; draws you into meditation which opens you to states not immediately received through your other senses. Practice without it, leaves a lot to be desired. This breath unites mental time and space with your physical time and space, with the immediate result of increased concentration and what is experienced as increased strength. Named for both the sound this breath makes and for the rhythmic waves of energy created by its practice, the OCEAN SOUNDING BREATH is the fundamental breathing exercise which accompanies almost all forms and movement. The pranayama is performed by taking long, slow and deep breaths while slightly contracting the back of the throat in the area of the glottis, and allowing your tongue to rest on the upper palate, just behind your front teeth. Making this subtle muscular contraction creates the whooshing sound in the back of the throat which sounds like the rising and falling of an ocean tide. The tongue being placed on the palate in this way, also assists a direct energetic alignment conduit from the Xià Dāntián/Lower Dantian to the Shàng Dāntián/Upper Dantian. PRACTICE • Begin in a comfortable seated position, starting with the COMPLETE 3-PART BREATH. (Dhurga Pranayama) • Notice how bringing attention to the long, slow breathing through your nose begins to relax your body and calm your mind. • Listen to the sound of the breath as it enters and leaves through the nostrils. • Bring your focus to the back of your throat and observe how it is possible to exaggerate the whooshing sound as you breathe. Slightly contract the back of the throat and make the whooshing sound as though you are fogging a window or a pair of eyeglasses-- on both the inhaling and exhaling breath. (While learning the technique of this breath, you may want to
New comment 8d ago
3 likes • 8d
I need to spend some time in this man's presence.
If you could have a conversation with any inanimate object, what would it be & why?
Plants, flowers and trees! Just because I feel like you'd get a lot of wisdom from a conversation with them 🌿 Mother Nature is awesome!
New comment 3h ago
If you could have a conversation with any inanimate object, what would it be & why?
7 likes • 8d
I would like to be able to talk to technology. Since pretty much everything is connected by this time, I would relate it to plugging in to the Matrix and learning anything that has been recorded instantly.
1-10 of 23
Jeffrey Dheere
45points to level up
Gadgeteer, Tinkerer, Computer Nerd, Leatherworker, Woodworker, Drummer, Artist, and all around Appreciator of the Simple Things.

Active 3h ago
Joined Jul 18, 2024
Central Tennessee, USA
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