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Masculine Embodiment Matrix

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3 contributions to Masculine Embodiment Matrix
Do you even breathe, Bro? 👀😮‍💨
Breathwork is THE practice that has had the most exponential and positive impact in my life. I wanna know… do you practice breathwork? Action items 👇🏼 1. Answer the poll below. 2. Comment below, if you feel you need help being more consistent with your breathwork practice and what you feel is the main barrier holding you back from getting there. We rise together 🦁 🧡 ⚡️
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24 members have voted
Matthew Jensen
Joseph Rice
Lion Carew
Sam Sabata
Nicolas Carrasco
New comment Jun '24
0 likes • Apr '24
Conscious breath work is not part of my life. I would say lack of concentration is my biggest obstacle. The ability to get into a tranquil zone has always been a challenge for me.
Not knowing this method has costed me thousands of workouts 😯
Dense Training has revolutionized my approach to strength training and my ability to get in workouts when very short on time and being an incredibly busy and high functioning entrepreneur. Despite all the bio-hacking, embodiment, breathwork, etc etc etc that I know, there are still only 24hrs in a day, and about 6 of those hours are my most optimal state — where I will work and train. Somedays I need to get in a proper workout, but I have less than 20 minutes available. Introducing the Dense Method (created by Keegan Smith). This simple, yet very powerful and effective method to strength training saves time, and builds muscle FAST! How it works: - Choose an exercise (for example: push-ups) - Decide on how many reps that you will do for 10 sets (for example: 10 reps for 10 sets) - Do x amount of repetitions every minute on the minute for 10 sets of your chosen exercise - Pro tip: download a interval timer app to make your life easier - Boom! You just did a 10 minute dense block of training. All of your workouts don't need to be 60-90 minutes. It's better to get something in, than nothing. If you're like me, you used to allow the fact that you couldn't make time for an hour workout get in the way of working out at all. This is your solution 💪 Here's an example of 10D3 heavy dips Action items: - Share below how often you currently workout - Share your most common barrier to doing exercise (for example: time) - Share your favourite way to exercise (strength training, cardio, acrobatics, etc)
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Alec Drummond
Lion Carew
Joseph Rice
Daniel Oxalaryd
Daniel Gallery
New comment Jun '24
3 likes • Apr '24
I work out almost everyday if you count gardening as exercise. I am constantly contorting my body to avoid stepping on things and pruning, mulching, moving debris into compost piles, etc. I also have a personal trainer and a Pilates instructor with whom I meet once a week.
The Dangers of Semen Retention
Semen retention, once a whispered secret, now echoes across continents, embraced by men in pursuit of transcendent power. Yet, amidst the fervor, let us not mistake it for a passing fancy. This practice, akin to a sacred art, demands reverence and discipline. In the clamor for ascension, akin to seekers grasping at shards of enlightenment, many overlook the holistic essence of this path. Much like the Western flirtation with Yoga, where the mere physical postures represent a fraction of its profound philosophy, semen retention is a mosaic, a tapestry interwoven with myriad practices and perspectives. Beyond the allure of superhuman prowess lies a deeper revelation—a profound communion with oneself, an unraveling of the illusions of our current reality. It beckons us to transcend the limitations of the mundane and step into our authentic masculine essence. But tread carefully, for this journey is not for the faint of heart. It demands more than mere abstinence; it necessitates a wholesale transformation—a realignment of values and lifestyle. Here, in the crucible of discipline, lies the crucible of true mastery. Let us heed the whispers of wisdom as we embark upon this odyssey. Cycle your life force with intention, for without this vital circulation, frustration and imbalance await. Anchor your practice in purpose, for it is the foundation upon which your journey unfolds. Understand that this is not a finite pursuit but an infinite game—an eternal dance with the cosmos. And with each step, remember, it is the process, not the performance, that unveils the true alchemy of transformation. Age, too, plays its role, guiding us in the rhythm of retention. Yet, let not the numbers dictate your path, but rather, listen to the whispers of your own being. Beware the allure of NoFap, for it is but a stepping stone, a fragile vessel easily capsized by the storms of ego. Approach with caution, for in the shadow lies the danger of comparison—an insidious trap that veils the path with illusion.
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Lion Carew
Ali Hamdi
Daniel Gallery
Cordell Weathersbee II
Nicolas Carrasco
New comment Jun '24
The Dangers of Semen Retention
1 like • Apr '24
I’ll give it a try.
1-3 of 3
Jeffrey Beaty
1point to level up
Retired in Takoma Park, MD. Gardening enthusiast. Yoga and Pilates practitioner.

Active 48d ago
Joined Apr 14, 2024
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