Apr 17 (edited) in Breathwork
Do you even breathe, Bro? 👀😮‍💨
Breathwork is THE practice that has had the most exponential and positive impact in my life.
I wanna know… do you practice breathwork?
Action items 👇🏼
  1. Answer the poll below.
2. Comment below, if you feel you need help being more consistent with your breathwork practice and what you feel is the main barrier holding you back from getting there.
We rise together 🦁 🧡 ⚡️
Complete action
Yes, everyday
Yes, 1-2x per week
Very rarely
No, I want to start practicing
24 votes
Lion Carew
Do you even breathe, Bro? 👀😮‍💨
Masculine Embodiment Matrix
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