The greatest investment you will ever make in your life
A breathwork practice is the greatest investment you could ever make. It's very simple... You can go many days without food (I have done this), you can go days without water (I have done this), you can even go for a very long time without proper nutrition and sunlight (I do not recommend this). You can only go a few minutes without breathing before you sustain a brain injury and likely die (this excludes various breathing practices intended to allow for the adaptation/tolerance for CO2, which is VERY good for your body - more on that later). The mystics knew that Breath and Spirit are one in the same. "Inspiritus" is Latin for "Breathe" and it is synonymous with "Spirit". Breath is the life force needed to animate your body. When you learn to control your breathing, you can control and alter the Life Force Energy (Spirit) moving throughout your body. And when you do this, you change your state of mind and emotions. It baffles me that Breathwork is not the most highly recommended practices in all of Western Medicine, because it is the number 1 preventative and upgrading health practice. Honestly though, I am not surprised, because sadly the Western medical industry is well, and industry! Anyways, let's continue... There are many ways to do alter your state and harness your life force energy with breathing, but the most important relationships I would like to tell you about is that of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen (O2). This is where science bridges the realms of spirituality... what is happening on a cellular level that gives rise to this Spirit? In my research, it is the relationship of O2 and CO2 on the red blood cell. And of course, that is only a part of the truth, because the whole truth can never be spoken and is to complex for our human minds to grasp. Regardless, I am going to tell you a bit about the relationship of CO2 and O2 with the red blood cell. When you exhale, you vent off CO2. This is called ventilation and it is actually the main mechanism of breathing for humans. It's the main reason we breath. Breathing for us is a matter of ventilating and managing CO2.